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The rough data pads screen flickered in the dim light as Steeljaw made adjustments to the blueprint file shining on the touch screen, his claws skimming over the scratched surface as he muttered to himself. Laying on his side, the Wolficon was curled just as much as his gravid belly would allow, his long tail twitching idly in irritation as he worked. His muzzle was fixed in a frown as his high brows furrowed, ears bent back in obvious displeasure as he tried to complete the schematic.

"Still too much energy consumption for a workable model... Nothing I can do to fix that through rewiring, the issue is with the materials... But I can't help that, unless this mudball decides to just hurry up and invent Thermatannium already... Hmphh..."

Rearranging a few items on the blueprint in hopes for a stroke of insight, his disappointed musings were interrupted by a solid thudding from his belly.


Gasping in discomfort, Steeljaw sucked in a breath to recover quickly, now familiar with but still not accustomed to such happenings. Throwing a hand down to his swell, he felt around for the general spot the kick had originated, looking for the round shape that would mark the sparkling.

"If you don't mind, I am trying to work." He scolded, not quite able to tell which of the wriggling quintuplets was responsible for the jab. Not that it mattered though. One kick was usually all he got at a time once it was nearing bedtime. Taking the data pad back into his hands, he put his thoughts back into making his idea a workable reality, taking extra effort to try and brainstorm some quick fixes.



Both hands flew to his belly as he curled up in reflex, optics clouding with tears as he reeled from the force of the blow to his insides. The solid and powerful nature of the kick made him realize something very quickly. That had been a hoof. A strong, armored hoof attached to a very powerful leg, that undoubtedly belonged to a cervicon... Marvelous.

"Little devil..." He spat, trying not to pay any mind to the light tremble in his limbs. While he'd never admit it, he couldn't help but be a little proud of the feat. For something so small to command such strength, before it had even entered the world... Imagine what it could do when it was grown and properly trained. It'd certainly make all this worth it.

The activity brought about a burst of movement within him, and in moments he was able to feel five sets of tiny limbs stretching and straining against the ever more restrictive walls of his reproduction chamber. Sighing, he tossed the data pad onto a nearby table, knowing all too well he'd be getting no more work done tonight. But then, he wasn't ready to sleep either... Not just because of his pups, but because... He was feeling a little needy himself. The ever expanding needs of the sparklings were growing to be beyond what he could provide on his own, and so he was needing more and more from Thunderhoof. Which was not something he was too happy about. At least it'd be easy to get, considering that they slept in the same room now.

Another kick made him grunt softly. Things certainly weren't as roomy in there as they had once been. In fact, things were rapidly reaching the point where space would be a concerning issue. He was already beginning to feel bloated. And that meant that soon, perhaps sooner than he wanted, the pups would need to be born. The due date was starting to creep into the near future, and he wasn't sure if he could be ready for that... Not that he had a choice. The pups would need to come out, and surgical removal wasn't an option. Of course he wasn't exactly scared, he'd faced far worse pains than whatever childbirth could ever offer him.


Like this one.

Thunderhoof strode in with his usual air of relaxed confidence, with the only difference from usual being a tarp in hand that he was dabbing over his dripping armor.

"Is it raining?" Steeljaw asked, turning an ear to the outside wall. There was no pattering of rain droplets to preemptively answer his question, so he was left waiting for Thunderhoof to answer. Taking his sweet time, Thunderhoof rubbed the back of his broad neck, showing off a little as he did so.

"Nah. Just decided to hit the shower before coming in."

Steeljaw huffed. Of course.

"Again? You bathed this morning."

Thunderhoof looked at him smugly as he turned the attention to his impressive antlers, drying them off far more gently than the rest of his body. "Bots like me is just used to certain comforts. Hence why I had Fracture set up the whole shebang in the first place, so I could use it whenever I wants."

Steeljaw frowned like only a bot with a muzzle could, staring down his nose at the unimaginably frivolous bot that he'd somehow been stuck with.

"Don't look at me like that Steely-"


Thunderhoof didn't miss a beat. "It's not like we're wasting our own resources here. It was so easy to drill into that human reservoir, they might as well have been begging us to take some of their water. And they'll never be none the wiser."

Reassuring as the logic was, it didn't make him any happier.

"I just find the whole thing to be rather frivolous. And an unnecessary distraction to boot."

"That's cause you never relax. Which you should, tension ain't good for the kiddos."

Pinning back his ears, Steeljaw sat up and gave Thunderhoof a good hard stare before he replied. "You'll want to refrain from giving me advice on how to carry. I don't see your midsection swelling up."

"I ain't speakin' as a sire to a mamma. Just a bot helping another bot out. Yous been working too hard." Thunderhoof reassured, slinging the towel over his shoulders.

"Someone has to. We're finally in a position to secure some real territory, and we can't afford to slip up." Steeljaw clipped, making to go back to his tablet and start working again.

Thunderhoof stepped forward and whisked away the tablet, holding it up high and out of reach. "If you takin a quick break is really all it takes to sink us, we're in way worse shape then I thought."

"You're well aware of what I mean." Steeljaw said, glaring and pouting helplessly. He had no way of getting his tablet back with his height and condition, forcing him to remain a more or less captive audience.

"Yeah, and you know what I mean. One break ain't gonna end everything. You gotta take care of yourself every once in a while."

"Should I ask what that would entail?"

"I got an idea..."

"Would you like to share?"

Thunderhoof tapped his digits on the data pads surface, smiling smugly before he answering.

"How about a shower?"

Y'all know what's gonna happen next...

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