Chapter 4: Puffer-Fish

Start from the beginning

The practice lasted a good few hours. The band members practiced their dance moves, their songs, and what they were each going to say to their fans during the concert. By the time lunch arrived, they were practically all set to go, but they knew that they would be back in the practice room for a few more practice rounds before the concert tonight.

The band members sighed heavily and tiredly as they walked up the stairs and into the kitchen to get some food. Most of the members took their food to their rooms, so that they could take quick naps.

"Hey Jungkook, want to play OverWatch with me?" Taehyung asked curiously as he sat down on the couch with Jimin and Hoseok, who were scrolling through their phones. Jungkook glanced at his hyung and then at the large tv. On most days, he would have agreed right away to join his hyung in playing games, but he really wanted to go see Y/N again and he was too thrilled about having to go see her at a late time in the night. He thought that if he could squeeze in some time now to go see her then now would be a better time than to wait until the concert is over. Plus, there were still some unanswered questions that he wanted to ask her.

"Not right now hyung. I'm tired. I'm going to try and take a nap, so that I'm not too tired for the concert," he answered as he pretended to yawn. His hyung seemed to buy that, so he slipped down the hallway and into his room. He closed his door and placed a couple of pillows underneath his blankets to make it appear that he was sleeping. He got ready to go out, making sure to put on a disguise, so that people wouldn't recognize him. He jumped out of his window and closed it before heading down towards the beach.

He walked down to the spot where he was yesterday. In the day time and sunlight, the spot was much more crowded and less quiet. He sighed a bit. Perhaps he shouldn't sit there. He looked around to see if he could find a place where he could sit and wait that was out of sight of any eyes.

He noticed an area behind some rocks. The rocks were large and tall enough to hide him and Y/N if she happened to come. As she hadn't really responded to him yesterday, he was still slightly unsure if she was going to show up or not, but he wanted to believe that she would come. He waited, standing there, looking out at the sea. Like yesterday, he saw nothing for a bit.

Getting a little impatient, he grabbed a few rocks that he found lying on the sand and started tossing them towards the water. The rocks skipped along the surface of the water before disappearing into the water. He grinned to himself at successfully skipping the rocks. He picked up some more and tossed a handful of rocks towards the water. Some of the rocks skipped while others just dove straight into the water. He pouted a bit as he reached down to the sand to pick up some more.

"Will you stop throwing rocks at me please?!" A familiar voice asked in annoyance. His head shot up at the voice to see Y/N there, rubbing her head and looking at him with a cute glare. His eyes lit up at seeing her and he stopped reaching down for the rocks, instead walking towards her. "You know, they are solid objects, so it does hurt."

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was just trying to pass some time while waiting for you to come," he apologized sincerely as he reached out and placed his hand on Y/N's head gently. She sighed and shook her head disapproving before sitting down beside him. "So, you came even though you didn't respond to me."

"Yeah, sorry. I was actually originally not going to come, but then I saw how hopeful you looked...," she trailed off when she met his doe-eyed gaze. She held his gaze for a moment before looking away awkwardly. "Anyways, you land hermit crabs interest me." Jungkook scowled a bit at that and sighed, trying not keep his composure. He had let it go yesterday because he was so tired, but today he wasn't as tired. Plus, he was getting frustrated with being called a hermit crab.

"At least it's better than being called naked...," he muttered under his breath.

"Hm? Did you say something?" She asked in confusion as she only heard him mumble, but couldn't make out the words he was saying. He only shook his head before flashing her a smile. She stared at him for a moment, admiring his handsome features before clearing her throat and looking at his foot. "So, how's your foot?"

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