Chapter 3: Late Night At The Beach

Start from the beginning

He wondered if he could find a way to sneak out. He could be stealthy, but was it really worth it? Should he just wait until tomorrow to go and see her? As much as he wanted to see her, he was beyond tired and simply just wanted to flop on his bed. He was leaning towards waiting until tomorrow to go and see her, but then he remembered something.

He had asked her if he could see her today and she told her maybe, but with a wink meaning that she was quite possibly waiting for him to show up. He knew that if he didn't show up and she was there waiting for him then she may decide not to go appear there anymore. He didn't want that to happen, but he was so exhausted. He could barely stand up, his legs felt so wobbly.

He remained sitting there for a bit before taking a deep breath. He stood up and grabbed his things before going out of the changing room. He joined his fellow band members and they walked to the back entrance where their car was waiting.

He sat at the window and glanced out. He stared out at the now darkened sea and tried to figure out ways that he could sneak out. It definitely wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to go to the beach and see Y/N.

Arriving back at the dorms, he followed his band members into the building. They all went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"What should we make today?" Seokjin asked curiously as he opened the fridge and started looking through it. The youngest bit his lip nervously. They've always eaten together. He was going to have to find a way to escape without being suspected. He tried to think of something quick, but before he could Yoongi already spoke giving him the perfect way.

"I'm just going to grab a snack and head to my room. I'll probably fall asleep right after anyways," Yoongi voiced as he went to the cupboard and took out some snacks before going to the sink to pour himself a big glass of water. Jungkook held in his grin at Yoongi's decision and decided to do the same.

"Me too. I'm really tired. I can barely keep my eyes open right now," he stated as he let out a semi faked yawn, "I'll probably just get some ramen with kimchi, banana milk, and a bag of chocolate balls then head to my room." The other members all decided to do the same after that. Jungkook sighed a bit in relief as he grabbed all of the food that he wanted and headed to his room.

Once in his room, he said goodnight to his fellow band members before closing the door. He heated up his ramen and opened his banana milk and bag of chocolate balls. He started eating as he was starving. When salty, savory taste of the ramen noodles mixed with the kimchi reached his mouth, he felt his taste buds go into a frenzy. He felt his immense hunger vanishing as it was being taken care of.

He ate all of his food as fast as he could. When he finished eating, he let out an uncomfortable groan as he placed his hand on his stomach. He now had an upset stomach from eating too quickly, but he knew that if he took his time then it would have taken him twice as long to finish eating.

He stood up from his bed, trying to let his full stomach digest the heavy load of food that had just entered his body before heading to his closet. He opened his closet and took out a pair of beach shorts and slipped them on. He kept on the same shirt that he wore back from the concert. Slipping on a pair of sandals, he grabbed his phone and walked over to the window. He opened the window and sat on the ledge. Before slipping out the window, he cast a glance back at his room then hit the ground with a small THUMP, but it wasn't loud enough to wake up the others.

He let out a sigh of relief as he walked towards the beach. The sky was dark with the sun setting just over the horizon. The parts of the sky that weren't dark were a mixture of different colors and shades of orange, yellow, red, blue, and purple. It was a beautiful sight. There was a soft breeze, blowing past his face. He could smell the salty sea as he walked along the sand. The waves were rushing towards the sand at a steady pace.

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