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"What did you think of the movie?" we arrived at the car, of course Michael being the gentlemen that he is, he opened the door for me to sit 

"confusing at first, but not bad" I snickered, he closed my door and then walked over to his side of the car and started it up

we watched Uncut gems, that new Adam Sandler movie. I wasn't too into it at first but it didn't end up being too horrible I guess. I personally wouldn't watch it again though. He turned in his seat to face me

"I want to take you somewhere before we go home" I couldn't help but smile, he could take me to the darn gas station and it would still be sweet of him 

"okay" I forced an almost shy okay out of my mouth, Im sure my cheeks are red

We began to drive, I allowed myself to melt into the seat. I leaned the back of the seat down a bit and stared out the window as we drove. The sun was setting, the sky was a beautiful mix of golden yellow and soft pink.

I lost myself in the sky, I hadn't payed attention to my surroundings at all and found myself staring at the sky. It wasn't until the car came to a bumpy halt that I noticed that I had spaced out. Once I snapped back to reality I looked around and realized we were at a scenic overlook

"I don't think I've ever been up here" I smiled, before anything else could be said I hopped out of the car. I walked up to the front of the car where there was a small log fence blocking the edge of the small cliff, I could hear the sound of the rocks scratching against the dirt under my shoes. 

I gazed out in front of me, something about it was so breath taking, it could have just been that it was my first time seeing this view but it could also have been how beautiful the sky looked.

"I like coming up here every once in a while" Michael appeared next to me, not for long though because he then sat down on the hood of his car "sit" 

I obliged and sat next to him, I crossed my legs in front of me, still staring out in front of me. Have you ever had one of those moments where you're in nature, and it hits you just how beautiful it can be? 

That's how I felt in this moment, it was almost like a shock to me to see how beautiful the city looked. I wouldn't have ever thought of it that way if I hadn't seen it from this lens.

"It's nice huh?" he broke the silence

"yeah, its beautiful out here" I admitted, without taking my eyes off of the view. I leaned my head on his shoulder, feeling lucky to be in this moment with him. 

He wrapped his arm around me, sliding himself closer to me. Perfect timing too because the breeze was beginning to make me a little cold. We sat for a few minutes in silence, simply enjoying this moment we were sharing.

"Katie?" My name escaped his lips ever so softly, almost as if he wasn't sure if he should speak or not


"I really like you" he responded, I lifted my head off of his shoulder and turned to face him "like a lot" he let out a chuckle

"I like you too Mikey" I admitted

he hopped off of the hood of his car and stood in front of me, he pulled me off of the car as well, placing me right in front of him. He held my hands in his, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb

"Katie, I really want you to be my girlfriend" he started "I know that you're going through a lot right now and you may still not be ready, but I want you to know that I am ready whenever you are" his voice was so soft yet raspy, I've come to truly love the sound of his voice. I placed my hand on his cheek, cupping his face with my small hand. 

"Im ready too" the words slipped out of my mouth almost in a whisper. He smiled down at me, wrapped his arms around me and pulling me in closer to his body then pressing his lips onto mine

The sky got darker as the sun continued to set around us, it wouldn't be long until the darkness surrounded us completely. 

"Let's get home"  he walked me to my door, opening it for me to get in and then going around the car to get in himself

As we pulled away from the spot we were just parked, he placed his free hand on my thigh. For the first time in nearly  2 years, I felt safe. Not even while I was with Jake did I feel safe like this, maybe at first I did but it quickly faded, but in this moment my heart felt full and content. 

I opened my eyes, dreading the events that would take place today. I don't want to see him, let alone be in the same room as him, but I knew that it was something I had to do. I know I need to mentally prepare myself for walking into that court room. 

I pulled my body up off of the warm mattress and kicked my legs over the side of the bed, I could feel Michael shuffle in the bed as he felt me get up, but he didn't wake up. I glanced over to my phone on the nightstand 

7:45 am

I typically try to sleep in but my body wont have it today. I got up out of bed, leaving a very comfortable and sleepy Michael in the bed alone. I walked over to my bedroom to glance through my closet to see what I would wear today, I need to look presentable since it is court. I may not be the one on trial or on the stand but I should look put together. 

After deciding what I would wear, I plopped it on the bed and grabbed some undergarments, a pair of black biker shorts and a mauve pink cropped t-shirt to slip into after I shower. There's no point in getting into my day outfit now, the court hearing is not until 1 pm.

I grabbed my clothes in one hand, holding it up to my chest to make sure nothing falls on to the floor, and my towel in the other. I walked into the bathroom, nervous for some reason; not for the shower but just nervous in general. My entire body felt tense, I stepped into the shower hoping that the warm water mixed with the steam would help ease my nerves.

I lathered up my body, trying to scrub away all worry that I still carried. Part of me wants to believe that he will be put away, but the other is nervous that somehow he will get away with it. I finished up my shower, dried my body off and put on the clothes I had brought in with me. I felt comfortable but couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in my stomach.

I walked out into the living room, I could hear Michael's soft snores coming from his bedroom. I plopped myself on the couch, grabbing the blanket that was draped on it to cover myself up, and turned on the tv in hopes that watching something will help distract me. 

I made sure the volume was on low, so that Michael could continue sleeping. I flipped through the options on netflix and landed on 'To all the boys I've loved before'. Ive watched this movie several times at this point, but each time I feel butterflies at the thought of Lara Jean and Peter falling for each other. It reminded me of my high school days, when my biggest worry was completing my homework on time and what I was going to wear to school the next day. 

I rested my head on a couch cushion beside me, allowing my eyes to rest as the movie played in the background.

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