16 | it starts with a feeling

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it starts with a feeling

(Falling in Love Pie by Sara Bareilles)


December 4, 1976

"Go away, Peter," Hermione muttered, batting away at his hands which were trying to pull her study materials away.

"Hermione," he claimed in exasperation, "it's Hogsmeade Day today. Don't you want to go out and have fun with your friends?"

"Why aren't you with your friends?" she snapped irritably, giving up altogether when Peter crammed all of her things inside her backpack.

Peter sighed. "Sirius bailed on us because he said he had a date with Marlene McKinnon," he started with a frown. "Remus has some Prefect duties that make him currently indisposed. James has Quidditch practice today, since their match against the Claws are fast approaching. So, I have no one else to be with today."

"Why don't you ask Mary MacDonald then?" she casually asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Her brother's face instantly turned a brilliant shade of red. "W– what?" he asked, trying to act nonchalant but failing miserably. "I mean, why should I even ask her? We're not even friends." He broke off and expelled a soft, nervous laugh that made Hermione roll her eyes.

"You're hopeless, Petey," she sighed. While her brother glowered at her, Hermione took that time to glance around the empty library. Even her classmates were enjoying this day in Hogsmeade and ditching an opportunity to study without distractions.

"So, come to Hogsmeade with me," Peter insisted once more. "Just take a breather, Hermione, Merlin!"

She frowned and thought about it for a while. She glanced at her colour-coded schedule and admitted to herself that her brain was already getting a bit fuzzy from her rigorous studying. If she skipped today, she could always compensate the following week. She did assign a cheat day for herself next week, where she wouldn't touch any textbooks, and had been meaning to start reading a new novel she had found in the small library in the Ravenclaw Common Room.

"Blimey, you're not mentally trying to adjust your schedule, are you?" Peter accused, his eyes narrowing into slits.

Hermione sheepishly smiled at being caught. "Petey," she interjected. "It's my OWLs year."

"If you haul your arse out of this library, I promise to buy you a yearlong supply of toffee," he said.

"Resorting to bribery, I see," she said, quirking an eyebrow.

"If I have a stubborn witch for a sister, then I should use whatever means."

The brunette laughed. "Fine," she said, already rising up from her chair. She stretched her arms over her head luxuriously and groaned when she felt her back crick. "I was getting a bit saturated from all my studying anyway. Let me just deposit my things and see you at the entrance?"

Peter narrowed his eyes. "If you ditch me, Hermione, I swear—"

"Ugh, Peter, I won't," she scoffed. "Just wait for me at the entrance. I'll be there soon, honest."

"Fine," he said begrudgingly. "Make it quick!"


It took her a few minutes to return to the Ravenclaw Common Room and leave her things. Hermione opted to wear a thick denim jacket and changed into sensible boots. After winding her Ravenclaw scarf around her neck, she walked out of the dormitory and sought out her brother.

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