10 | i don't want your wicked love

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i don't want your wicked love

(Wicked Love by Sara Bareilles)


November 30, 1975

There was a huge commotion over at the Gryffindor table, and intrigued, Hermione looked up from her Arithmancy textbook to glance at the ruckus. A huge owl, larger than Hermione had ever seen, was flying over in the general direction of the Marauders, before dropping a huge package in front of James. A few porridge bowls flew in various directions, drenching some of the poor Gryffindors in the process, but the Potter heir ignored their shrieks of annoyance.

James was grinning widely at his package and excitedly tore away the brown wrapping.

"That doesn't look like a broomstick," Lily quipped, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity in her green eyes.

"Who cares about whiny pompous gits like him?" Severus grumbled under his breath, pointedly ignoring James Potter and his merry band of pranksters.

Lily and Hermione exchanged a glance. Sev had been in such a sour mood these past few days. Lily thought he was merely stressed over the OWLs; Professor Slughorn had once said he'd expect no less than an 'O' in Sev's Potions OWLs. But Hermione had seen how Severus' mood worsened every time James proclaimed his love for Lily.

Although he was undoubtedly a Slytherin through and through, green definitely did not suit Severus Snape.

Once James was able to rip away the package paper, Hermione's eyes widened when she recognised a guitar case. Sirius and Peter were already marvelling his new instrument, trying to have a go at strumming it.

The hazel-eyed boy then looked over at the Ravenclaw table. Lily was already scowling, watching as his eyes searched for someone, and to Hermione's utmost surprise, James' eyes landed on her. His grin reached far and wide as he gestured excitedly at his new guitar and in spite of herself, Hermione smiled and rolled her eyes. This only made his smile grow as his eyes briefly landed on Lily's, the blush on his cheeks unmistakable.

'I think I should start re-teaching myself how to play the guitar,' she thought to herself, knowing full well that James would start pestering her to teach him now.


December 1, 1975

"Good afternoon, Pettigrew."

Hermione's eyes widened, recognising Regulus Black's voice, and she immediately looked up from her Transfiguration essay. The youngest Black was impeccable as always, his black curls parted stylishly and held in place. He was wearing a handsome set of black robes and despite it being a weekend, he looked like he was going to attend a charity ball or something.

His grey eyes looked like molten mercury however, warm and definitely dangerous. A small smirk was plastered on his face, undoubtedly amused at the surprise on her face.

The Ravenclaw realised she had been staring and instantly shook her head. "Hello," she hesitantly greeted, frowning when his smirk turned into a full-blown smile. Regulus invited himself over and sat on the chair opposite Hermione, placing his expensive leather satchel on top of the table. Hermione watched in confusion as he started pulling out his things and placing them on the table.

"What are you doing?" she dumbly asked, eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"Studying, obviously," he pointed out with a bemused smile. "I remember a certain brunette telling me during the first day of term that I should start studying soon."

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