52 | strength means blessed with an enemy

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strength means blessed with an enemy

(Armor by Sara Bareilles)


December 28, 1980

Hermione stood back and admired how the fluttering snow decorated the facade of the Snapes' House. The slithering vines wrapped around the white metal gate now boasted snow-coated, pink flowers. Hermione suspected Lily had spelled the flowers everlasting, to continue blooming despite the harsh winter.

She also spotted a small sign hanging on the wooden door, the words 'Welcome' scrawled cheerily in lovely handwriting. A laugh bubbled out from her lips, already imagining how Sev would be sneering at the ridiculous sign, but wouldn't say anything to his wife in fear of facing her wrath.

Said wooden door was suddenly pulled open, revealing her bemused best friend. "Hermione!" Lily greeted. "What are you doing there, standing like a loon? Come inside! It's bloody cold."

"Hi, Lily," she said, striding forwards to envelope the older witch into a hug.

"Why did you Apparate here?" the redhead asked in exasperation, shivering as a cold, harsh wind brushed against her cheek. "Our Floo is connected with the fireplace in Potter Manor."

Hermione's cheeks bloomed red. She knew it was dangerous to roam out in the open, especially after the Longbottoms were attacked. But she and her family would be hiding soon. She knew she'd be cooped inside for weeks – months even – and she wanted to spend a few more moments outside, just as long as she was careful.

Lily's eyes softened, understanding Hermione's silent answer to her previous question. "You didn't bring Harry?" she then asked.

Hermione apologetically smiled as she followed Lily inside. "He's with James today," she explained. "We agreed that it'd be best if we don't go out with Harry until New Year."

For a brief moment, Lily's emerald eyes glinted with a myriad of emotions. But the redhead had already turned her face away from Hermione, determinedly pulling her towards their living room. "I still haven't forgiven you for not making me his godmother, if you must know."

Hermione sighed. "Blimey, I'll pop more babies out in the future just so you can be a godmother," she cajoled with a laugh.

"You better, Hermione Pettigrew!" she cried.

The brunette fondly smiled at Lily's red hair. "Technically, I'm a Potter now." She grinned when Lily merely glowered. "I'm really sorry, Lils," she said. "It's just... Peter's the right one for this job."

Lily drew to a halt and fully turned to look at Hermione. "Never mind the job," she dismissed. "Harry will still be surrounded by people who love him, godparents or not."

Hermione's eyes misted at Lily's earnest words. "I'm glad to hear that," she whispered.

It was at that moment when Sev chose to appear, ducking out of their bedroom with dishevelled hair and bleary eyes. "Oh, you're here," he dully said, sleepily striding forwards to give Hermione a one-armed hug.

Hermione tilted her head to smile at him incredulously as a huge yawn tore out form his lips. "Well, somebody's not sleeping well," she said, prompting Lily to snort in concurrence.

"Slughorn's been tiring him to the bone," Lily complained, grasping onto Hermione's arm and tugging her towards their squashy chair in front of the fire. "It's the winter holidays, seriously! But the sourpuss refuses to rest, obsessively perfecting a new batch of potions to please his Slughorn dearest."

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