extra 2 | the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes - part i

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Summary: Harry Potter lived a very ordinary life
Rating: T
Warnings: Some mild cussing
Characters: Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Iris Snape, Stella Potter, Leon Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Pettigrew-Potter, James Potter, Ginny Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape



the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes – part i

(Saturn by Sleeping at Last)



This was it.

He was finally a first year.

Harry knew he looked stupid, gawking widely at the large, maroon train whilst billows of smoke spiralled out of the chimney and blanketed Platform 9 ¾ in a hazy veil. Numerous stories from his parents about their adventures in Hogwarts resurfaced in his mind. There was a part of him—a huge one, in fact—that felt excitement upon starting his first year in the said school. The sadness he felt upon leaving home was momentarily forgotten as he beheld the Hogwarts train.

"Come on, Harry. The train's about to leave!" his best friend, Ron Weasley, whined from behind. Harry shook his awe away and sheepishly glanced at the lanky redhead, before hastily clambering onto the train.

Ron was already excitedly reciting everything he wanted to do once he stepped foot in Hogwarts. Harry only leant him half an ear, too busy searching for an empty carriage they could occupy.

"Hey," the bespectacled eleven-year-old suddenly said, skidding into a halt. "Where's Nev?"

Ron's jaw snapped shut, his eyes growing wide in a slight panic. "Bloody hell, did he lose Trevor again?" he groaned.

"Language," Harry tutted, prompting Ron to roll his eyes and completely push Harry inside a blessedly unoccupied carriage. "Do you reckon we should look for him?"

"He'll be fine," his best friend dismissed, plopping onto one of the couches and stretching his legs comfortably. Ron wasn't able to see Harry's frown, as he was now busy pilfering through a small bag holding his snacks. He made a face and set it aside. "Err..."

"I'll treat you to some snacks once the Trolley Lady comes," Harry promised with a smile. "Dad sneaked a few galleons inside my robe pockets before saying goodbye." The redhead's cheeks reddened in sheepish embarrassment, but there was genuine gratitude in his blue eyes.

The train ride was uneventful. Ron and Harry alternated from playing various board games, predicting the outcome of this year's Professional Quidditch Finals, and guessing what would happen in their first year at Hogwarts.

Ron still firmly believed they would be swept away in various adventures, battling three-headed dogs ("That's ridiculous," Harry pointed out) or duelling with secret evil wizards to save the Wizarding World ("Ronald").

"Why not?" Ron snapped with a small pout. "The Marauders had loads of adventures during their stay at Hogwarts. Uncle James even gave you the Marauder's Map. I don't know about you, mate, but armed with your Dad's Cloak and the Map, we can explore Hogwarts to our heart's content."

"And face Mum's wrath," Harry pointedly replied. "Aunt Molly's too."

"We won't be facing anyone's wrath if we don't get caught," he simply said.

Harry snorted, already rolling his eyes as he imagined his Dad's, and even Uncle Sirius', proud faces at how eager Ron was in following in their footsteps. Admittedly, Harry was fascinated with his Dad's and best friends' adventures in Hogwarts, and he couldn't wait to have his own. But with the Wizarding World at peace and no lurking evil Dark Lords in the shadows, Harry doubted his adventures would be as ridiculously wild as the Marauders.

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