A Failed Celebration

Start from the beginning


To say the court building was tense was an understatement.

The steps up to the building had been crawling with press, several other officers had been holding them back as Camila and Ally walked up the steps. Hayley had nodded her head at them from her place at the front doors.

Camila had almost felt claustrophobic when they'd entered the building. There were people in suits everywhere she turned, uniformed cops loitered and detectives colluded in groups. There was a general murmur echoing off the walls and high ceilings.

It was overwhelming.

Camila and Ally made their way over to Charlie's small gathering; Lieutenant Parrish was waiting with him as well as Sergeant Santiago. The two officers merged into the group and said their hellos.

The back of Camila's neck tingled and it felt like the crowds parted when she turned. Her eyes instantly met deep, conflicted green ones.

She gulped as Lauren tipped her chin towards Camila before turning back to her brother. The whole Jauregui family was gathered at the other end of the room; even a few of the Senior Jauregui's were mingling.

Finally it was time and everyone filtered into the courtroom.


Lauren hated being the centre of attention.

Yes she sees the irony since she's the new crime boss of Brooklyn.

But right now? Front row seat to her father's trial? She'd rather be invisible.

Her mum had been putting on a brave face the past few days. Lauren had seen a multitude of different girls leaving her brother's room, despite the fact he was barely legal. And Taylor was walking around frowning with her nose buried in whatever textbook she was currently studying from.

It felt like nothing had changed but everything had at the same time.

And now, with her hands tucked deep in her pant pockets, she felt the eyes looking at her and the whispers about her more than ever.

The room had stayed standing on order of the judge who had entered the same time they had. He sat in his chair at the top of the room, shuffling papers.

"Welcome to the trial of Michael Jauregui, we'll be hearing the primary statements from both the defendant and the prosecution. Bring in the accused." The judge's voice was gravelly and dull, it may have been a big case but for him it was just another day.

Lauren felt her heart twinge as her father was brought in; his hair more grey than black, the jumpsuit a stark orange in the otherwise bland room, the silver chains around his waist and wrists jangled with each small step he took.

She glanced over at Lucy who nodded once, her lips firmly pressed together and her eyebrows furrowed.

Lauren had never seen that expression on Lucy. She almost looked frustrated but also resigned at the same time.

Everyone sat down when Mike did. The room fell silent as they all watched the judge, he peered down at Mike with a wry smile.

"How does the defendant plead?"

Lauren clenched her jaw; her father had refused to tell them his decision on the matter, Lucy had given away nothing when she'd joined them for dinner.

The whole room seemed to hold its breath as Lucy stood, her hands clasped in front of her.

"The defendant pleads guilty on all accounts."

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