"Hiroto. Go have a look. If it looks similar, we leave," Fubuki said. Everyone else seemed really confused now.

"What are you-"

"Got it," Hiroto said and took a few steps closer into the convenience store. There were a few moans that could be heard. Some of the infected must be roaming inside. Hiroto glanced at the surroundings. The store seems quite different from the one in his dream. The one in his dream has yellow walls and the counter is at the right side if the entrance. But this one seems to have its counter on it's left... Plus it isn't yellow, it's light shade of blue. Hiroto walked back to Fubuki.

"It isn't this one," Hiroto said. The others were once again puzzled. Was Hroto and Fubuki hissing something from them that they didn't want them to know. If so, what would be their reason of doing that?

"Good," Fubuki turned to the others. "Alright, everyone. We're going in. Be careful not too make too much noise. Say alert. If there's any problems, yell it out and quickly make it to the exit. The reason for yelling is to let the us know that there's trouble,"


They went in and started rummaging the shelves looking for some useful food and items. Well, the good thing about an apocalypse was that you didn't have to pay for the things you take. You could have absolutely anything you want for free. No one would care. The group took everything they wanted a got out of the store just as quick. The moans of the infected were just plain scary. The group managed to avoid engaging the infecteds. After checking what they got and dividing the items among themselves, they set off, not wanting to waste any time in the convenience store.

"Anyways, it's time to look for a transport that can take us all the way to the airport," Fubuki said.

"Can that car do?" Kazemaru asked pointing to a random car.

"No," Kidou said. "It has to be a big one to fit all of us,"

"True point," Kazemaru said and gave Kidou a nudge on the arm. "As expected of our mastermind Kidou,"

"Shut it,"


"This one seems fine," Fubuki said and, without warning, smashed the window open. He unlocked the car doors from the inside. Due to the sound of the window being smashed, the infected were heading their way. "Get in the car! Hurry!"

Some of the infected were already real close. Sooner or later, they would be at biting-range. Everyone scrambled into the car as quick as they could. Haruna slammed the car pedal and instantly, the car went forward, running over all the infected that was in the way.

"Where to now?" Haruna asked seriously while steering the car that was going at a horrifyingly fast speed.

"The airport. The nearest one you can find," Fubuki said.

"Alright," Haruna said. "Hold on tight everyone cuz we're about to speed up!"

They continued at that pace for 35 minutes, slamming down any infected in the way. If there were any police officers around, well, who knows how much their fine could be for speeding now. Haruna began to slow down as the were nearing the airport. They park a distance from the docks in case there were any unfriendly survivors down there that doesn't like them coming to the airport. They took their supplies and abandoned the car.

"Alright. Time to go in there and get ourselves a plane. There has to be some survivors in here seeing that this is such a big place. But not all of them are friendly. Let's just hope we can actually find some decent pilots that would agree to fly us all the way to Kansas," Fubuki said.

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