Chapter 15 - Village Healings

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"Your what, now?!" The dark-green cat glared at Godzilla in confusion, his metallic tail standing up. "Answer the question!" Godzilla growled, "How do you know her name?!"

They started arguing. Anguirus stood nearby, turning his head and giving Biollante a confused and questioning look. Biollante sighed, resting one paw on her face. "Guys!" She hissed, bumping in between them. She then sighed in exhaustion, "I can explain!"

They stopped arguing. "Err... please do," The dark-green cat agreed awkwardly. Godzilla sat, half-calm, but mostly still looked tense. "Uhh... Godzilla," Biollante turned to him, "This is my friend, Gigan."

Godzilla and Gigan awkwardly made eye contact with each other.

"And, Gigan, this is my older brother..." Biollante introduced Godzilla to him, "...Godzilla. Prince -- sorry, no -- king, of the monsters!"

"Your... brother? The one you never stopped talking about...? King of the monsters?" Gigan looked at him, now suddenly dumbfounded, "Oh. I, uhh... attacked him."

"Oh, you didn't know who he was and that he was king at first," Biollante reasoned sympathetically, "And, well, speaking of him being king. It's up to him if he wants to forgive you or not, he has a reason to choose either decision. Whaddya say, Goji?"

Godzilla was silent for a bit. Gigan eyed him nervously. This surprised him, he was a very feisty beast at first, now a visibly guilty kitty. Godzilla sighed, making up his mind, "It's fine, Gigan. As she said, you didn't know."

Gigan bowed his head, overcome with relief. "Oh, thank you, You're Majesty. I'll never forget the mercy you gave me."

Godzilla flinched, he still wasn't used to someone bowing to him. "Ermmm... thank you."

"And... since you're king now..." Gigan scratched his head, "You and Biollante's father must be dead, I'm sorry for your loss."

Biollante flinched, probably still struck down by the fact that her father was dead. Reminding her brought back the grief in her eyes. Godzilla was a bit unfazed however, his father was dead a couple of decades ago and he'd known this for all those years. "It's fine... thank you for your sympathy."

Biollante started to sniff again.

"Oh..." Gigan placed an arm over Biollante's shoulder, "I'm sorry for reminding you about that."

"It's fine..." Biollante murmured, hugging Gigan. Godzilla tensed again, but he didn't really know why. Maybe it was the brother instincts kicking in...

Anguirus walked in on the group a few seconds later, even he looked awkward. "Err... hi."

"Uh..." Gigan looked at him with the same awkward expression. "Hi."

"Oh! Anguirus!" Biollante snapped back to her joyful state, "I forgot you were there! This is Gigan."

"Oh," Anguirus sat, "We, uhh... met."

Anguirus and Gigan made the same awkward eye contact with each other.

(Why did I make this chapter so awkward-)

"Err... I'm Anguirus," The brown dog introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, I guess," Gigan murmured. "Oh, of course you met him," Biollante shrugged, "You were with Godzilla."

"Oh, right..." Godzilla murmured, "Bad news, Biollante."

Biollante turned to Godzilla, shooting him a puzzled look.

"We..." He murmured, "...Didn't find Quetz and Rodan."

"What?" Biollante looked at him in surprise, her eyes widening. "Yeah," Anguirus agreed, "We only found Gigan here."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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