Chapter 13 - Night Search

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The three climbed down the slope to where the foxes disappeared. Mosura had expected to see Godzilla and Anguirus, but she was wrong. Nobody but Mosura, Quetzalcoatl, and Rodan stood below the cliff.

"Where are Anguirus and Goji?" The golden cat worriedly asked, completely forgetting the Kamacuras. "They can't have gone far..." Quetz observed, "If they did, they're total idiots."

"Well, what are we about to do right now, Quetz?" Rodan reminded her. "Right," She rolled her eyes, "But what if Goji and Riz come back and don't find us there?"

"Well," Rodan scratched the back of his head, "They're gonna have to wait for us."

"Okay..." Mosura murmured absentmindedly, circling the grass with one paw. "Our journey awaits," Rodan inhaled, then exhaled, "C'mon."

They began walking forward into the deep trees. The red cat was in the lead, bending his head down to sniff. Mosura was still absentminded as she walked while Quetzalcoatl looked around in different directions. Mosura was so busy in her thoughts that the sound of a snapping twig made her jump and even scream.

"What was that?" Quetzalcoatl questioned, her fur rising slightly. Mosura gasped as she saw a black figure a small distance away, staring back at her. It was one of the Kamacuras. He was a black fox with a red underbelly and golden eyes. "Ransu! Ransu!" Rodan called out to the small fox, instead of him responding, he ran.

Rodan followed him without another word. "Hey, Rodie!" Quetz yelled to him as she and Mosura darted after him, "Wait for us!"


Quetzalcoatl and Mosura were already growing tired of chasing the black fox, but Rodan didn't seem like he was losing energy, it was as if his determination was the thing fueling him. "Ransu!" Rodan called again for one last time. The black fox turned his head to him, and after a few seconds of observing Rodan, finally skidded to a halt.

The three halted as well. Quetzalcoatl and Mosura panted loudly, while Rodan approached the Kamacuras. "Hey, Ransu," He said, "Long time no see, youngster."

The small fox blinked at him for a few seconds, then raised his head and chittered. As if on a signal, the golden fox jumped out of the bushes beside them, and the green fox flew down from above.

"Sakura! Nikko!" Rodan smiled cheerfully at the other two. "You know them?" Mosura asked. Quetzalcoatl nodded, "Yup. As we said, they're also where we're from."

The three foxes all looked at Mosura... in shock? As soon as the golden cat noticed, she felt a little uncomfortable. The black fox chittered questioningly to Rodan, who responded with a whisper into his ear. He chittered to the other two Kamacuras, who nodded as if in acknowledgment.

Mosura didn't know what Rodan told him but shrugged it off. "Is this... Monster Island?" Rodan asked the black and red fox. He stayed silent for a bit, turning his head to his brother and sister, who nodded back at him. Momentarily, the black fox nodded in response.

Rodan and Quetzacoatl's jaws dropped. Mosura didn't know what Monster Island in their old days was like, but knowing that it was their childhood home, she knew why they looked so emotional.

"Y-you're joking..." Quetzacoatl's voice slightly broke as a tear slowly rolled out of her pale golden eye. Mosura didn't sense the sadness in her though, they were just tears of joy. "Can you take us there?" She asked, wiping her wet cheek.

The black fox nodded, chittering to his siblings, then he took off. "Follow Ransu, guys!" Rodan instructed, scampering off after him, followed by Mosura, an eager Quetzacoatl, and the other two Kamacuras.

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