Chapter 6 - The Twist Of Truth

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Godzilla left the cavern all to Mosura and her new plush and decided to go for a swim, walking onto the sand and dropping himself in the water.

The big wolf just swerved through the water, it was a good way to focus on his thoughts. But then he saw a group of four paws right below the surface, struggling and thrashing. Godzilla decided to investigate, kicking the sand with his hind paws and darting straight up, breaking through the water. A small brown dog was slowly sinking in the far distance, crying out:


Godzilla didn't stop a moment to think and swam to the dog's aid. He swam up behind the titan and grasped his neck, flinching as he felt something slightly sharp press against his fur.

"What the?..." He murmured to himself, trying to refrain from touching the sharp objects as well as holding the heavy dog. "Paddle with me, you're as heavy as hell!"

The dog felt lighter as he obeyed and tried to swim along with him, it turned out, there were rows of spikes on his back. Wait a second, Godzilla paused, there's only one Kaiju that I know of who's brown and has spikes...


The smaller dog swung his head around, looking surprised, "Godzilla?!"

"Good heavens, I can't believe it's you!" Godzilla chuckled, then looked puzzled, "Why the heck are you in the middle of the ocean?..."

Anguirus chuckled nervously, "I wanted to learn how to swim so that we could visit each other more often..."

"Anguirus, you have to be an absolute idiot to think that you can swim!" Godzilla started to pull him towards his and Mosura's island.


Godzilla let the brown dog go when he felt that the ground was shallow enough for him to walk, already exhausted. And so Anguirus scampered towards the beach, he flopped down on his belly — spraying sand — and huffed, "Thanks, man!..."

Godzilla sat down beside his old friend. "You're welcome... I'm actually pretty impressed of how you managed to even swim that far from Japan!"

"Japan's actually not that far from where I was tragically—" Anguirus laughed, "—drowning."

Godzilla laughed with him. Then he remembered — "Hey, Anguirus?"


"How'd ya like to meet my adopted daughter?"

"What the—?!" Anguirus shot straight up, spraying more sand behind him, "You have a daughter now?! Gee, time is crazy!"

"I know!" Godzilla chuckled. "Actually, I thought Rodan would've told you."

"Nah, we don't visit each other either." Anguirus explained, "It's either because I can't swim or he's forgotten where I live. I miss him though."

"Yeah, I know the feeling." Godzilla admitted, "But he actually visited us recently!"

"WHAT?!" Anguirus sounded jealous and surprised at the same time, "Man, I can't believe he knows where you live and not where I do!"

So Godzilla explained how he found Mosura to the point where Rodan told him about the time when he was flying nearby and spotted them heading to the island both Anguirus and Godzilla stand on now. "Wow, okay," The brown dog nodded, "fair."

Then they heard more paws scuffling the sand — not four, eight. Godzilla saw Rodan and a companion of his — a pink, winged she-cat with different dark shades of pink on her feathers — walking towards them.

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