Batter Up

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Getting to the baseball field all eyes were quickly on Jasper's car and Laura found herself feeling nervous again. "It's because of your jacket" Jasper smugly pointed out as he unbuckled his belt. Laura didn't say anything and instead got out of the vechicle in unison with him. 
"Just because you're related to the dogs doesn't mean you need to smell like them" Rosalie commented as she let the baseball bat in her hand hang by her sides. 
"Only wearable coat I have" Laura shrugged as she tucked her hands into her pockets. 
"Don't worry, we can go shopping for a new one" Alice beamed as she approached Laura and placed her arm around her. 
"Just ignore Rosalie, I do" Edward told Laura, repeating the very same thing he'd advised Bella which caused the blonde's nostrils to flare.
Laura smiled at Edward before Alice began to lead her, "Bella's an umpire behind Esme since she's the catcher. You can be an umpire too" she smiled. "But we can't have you on field in case you get hit, so..." Alice trailed off as she positioned Laura next to Bella. "Dual catcher umpires" she said cheerfully causing Laura and Bella to giggle breathfully, amused at the girl. Laura nodded and Alice quickly made her way out field with a ball in hand. 
Rosalie got ready being the first to bat while Edward and Emmett made their way outfield. There was something lightening and thunder which prompted Alice to speak, "It's time" In one swift movement Alice threw the ball at lightening fast speed, and upon connecting with Rosalie's bat and loud noise echoed like thunder. 
"Okay now I see why you need the thunder" Bella breathed impressived. 
"And why I can't be outfield" Laura mumured with an astonished look on her face as the ball disappeared into the trees with Edward running after it. 
"That's gotta be a home run right?" Bella asked Esme. 
Esme shook her head, "Edward's very fast" 
Suddenly Esme readied up and caught the ball that Edward had thrown back to her, just as Rosalie was sliding towards the base. Esme looked over her shoulder to Bella to get her verdict. 
"You're out" Bella told Rosalie regretfully, Laura nodding in agreement. 
"Out, woo!" Emmett exclaimed from outfield. Rosalie looked at him before adverting her gaze to Bella scornfully. "Babe c'mon it's just a game"
Carlisle lined up next as Laura slid back to stand next to Jasper who was resting the bat over his shoulders. "All baseball games should be played by vampires, way more interesting" she whispered, both she and Jasper smiling as they watched Alice once again throw an effortless ball. 
The ball went flying into the air as Carlisle began running to the bases, Laura followed the ball as he began to fall down when suddenly Emmett and Edward collided midair. "Ouch" Laura cringed though both boys just laughed it off. 
Jasper was up next though Emmett unfortunately used a tree to get into the air and catch the ball. After that was Rosalie, she was mid run between bases when all of a sudden Alice shouted, "Stop!" 

Everyone came running back over to Bella and Laura who stood unsure of what was going on. "They were leaving then they heard us" Alice explained. 
Jasper stood by Laura and grabbed her hand tightly, he hadn't even hesitated about touching her like previous times so Laura knew whatever was going on was serious enough for Jasper not even consider his own thirst a problem right now. 
"Let's go" Edward said trying to walk away with Bella. 
"It's too late" Carlisle quickly shut him down. 
Laura looked up at Jasper worried. "What it is?!"
He released her hand and took hold of her zip "Button up your coat, right to the top" Jasper said as he pulled up her halfway done zip, "The remaining dog stench should hopefully be strong enough" he swallowed. Panicked Laura did as he said and buttoned up the already zipped coat. "Just stay quiet, I'm going to try and calm you and Bella. C'mon" he said walking towards his family slowly with Laura just behind him, Bella and Edward doing the same.  
Looking across the field Laura saw three people approaching and upon examing them she quickly realised they were vampires, bare footed vampires. "I believe this belongs to you" the middle man said as he held up the baseball before tossing it to Carlisle who caught it and thanked him. "I am Laurent, and this is Victoria, and James" Laura tried to act natural, though she couldn't help but feel slightly freaked out by James's gaze. 
"I'm Carlisle, this is my family" he smiled casually. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us"
"Our apologies" Laurent was quick to say. "We didn't realise the territory had been claimed"
"Yes well, we retain a permant residence nearby" Carlisle explained. 
Trying not to seem like she was hiding but also not trying to be too expose, Laura was stood shoulder to shoulder with Jasper, her eyes focused on the ground since unlike Bella whose dark hues could pass for a thirsty vampire, Laura's blue ones were a dead give away that she wasn't a vampire. 
"Oh really?" Laurent replied to Carlisle, "We won't be a problem anymore, we were just passing through"
"The humans were tracking us but we lead them east" Victoria smiled proudly. "You should be safe"
"So, could you use three more players?" Laurent smiled, leading all eyes to fall on Carlisle for his answer. "Oh come on, just one game?"
"Sure, why not" he agreed continuing to try and maintain a casual exterior. "A few of us were leaving, you can take their place, we'll bat first" he said, throwing the ball to Laurent though Victoria instantly intercepted it. 
"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball" 
"Oh well I think we can handle that" Jasper's southern accent rang out, playing it cool and still aiding the girl's emotions. Everyone let out a chuckle and turned to take their positions. Jasper began to retreat with Laura, his hand on her lower back as she let out a deep breath. Edward, Bella and James were slow to part ways, just as James was about to turn the breeze picked up and blew Bella and Laura's scent, though thankfully like Jasper had expected Laura's was being masked. 
James took a big inhale and his face lit up, "You brought a snack" Quickly the Cullens moved in front of Bella to protect her. Jasper stood in front of Laura though he was relieved to see neither James or the other's were lusting after her scent. 
"A human?" Laurent questioned as he and Victoria backed up James. 
"And a mutt" Victoria snarled. 
"The girls are with us" Carlisle said in a calm tone despite everyone being on edge and ready for anything. "I think it best if you leave"
Laura had grabbed hold of Bella's wrist protectively, though it wasn't like she could actually do more to protect her than the Cullen's could. Although she wasn't seen as a meal right now, Laura was still worried that if a fight broke out she could get targeted. Jasper's arm was held out in front of Laura instictively as he faced off with the trio of nomadic vampires. 
"I can see the game is over, we'll go now" Laurent nodded as he began to back away though James and Edward were still staring each other down. "James" After a moment James and Victoria stepped back and began to take their leave with Laurent. 
All the Cullens stood up right with Carlisle turning to face the boys, "Get them out of here, go"

Jasper grabbed hold of Laura's arm and raced to his car, "I'm coming with you guys" Alice said, hopping into the back as they sat in the front. As they were buckling in Edward's jeep raced off the field. Laura swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to take a deep breath as she unzipped her coat, feeling hot and flustered. 
"What just happened, what's going on?" she asked looked between Jasper and Alice. 
"James is going to come after Bella" Alice said sorrowfully as Jasper started up the car. "I saw it"
"But that's not for certain right, you're visions can change?" Laura frantically tried to find a loophole. 
Alice pursed her lips as she shook her head. "He's made his decision" 
"That could've been you he was after too" Jasper said dejectedly as he began to drive. 
"But it wasn't" Laura assured him. 
"Only because you had that coat, it masked your human scent so they thought you were a wolf, but that still could've put you in danger" Jasper lamented as he stared ahead, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I'll take you home"
"What? No, I want to help you guys, I want to help Bella" Laura insisted, though Jasper didn't shift his gaze. He didn't want to look at her right now because of the guilt he was feeling, the scenerios running through his head of what could've happened. "Please, he's not after me, I'm safe. You don't get to just leave me at my house worrying about everyone!" she pressed. There was no way Laura was going to willingly get dropped off at home, and if he did, she'd drive straight over to the Cullen's house in her own car anyway. She was defiant beyond belief, though Jasper knew this, but everytime before her insistance had turned out okay. 
"Bella's going home to tell Charlie she's leaving, then she'll be over" Alice pipped up from the back, staring into nothingness, obviously in a vision state. 
Laura glanced at the dark haired girl before back to Jasper, "Take me to your house, please" Finally Jasper looked at Laura for the first time since he started driving, and he nodded in surrender. 
"Stop the car, I'm going to drive Edward's car back home" Alice said unbuckling her belt. Jasper quickly pulled in and let her out, "You don't have to worry Jasper" Alice assured him, speaking in reference to Laura before she disappeared and he started driving again. 
"I'm sorry" Jasper apologised sadly. 
"There's nothing to be sorry for" Laura assured him. "I'm not the one you should be worried about, it's Bella that's in danger"
"But I care about you!" Jasper said, looking to her once again, and Laura could see that familiar pain in his eyes. 
Her features were soft, "I care about you too Jas" she smiled, reaching out her hand for him to take, which he did again without hesitation. It seemed Jasper was now less fearful of himself, being in the mindset that his being close to her offered less of a threat than other vampires like James could pose.  

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