No Show

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Arriving at school the next day Laura parked her car and headed over to Tyler's van where her friends stood. "Hola amigos" she smiled shifting the bag strap on her shoulder. "Where's Bella?"
Tyler nodded, Laura followed the direction of his gesture to see Bella stood by her truck with a book in hand. "Bella" Tyler called as he threw a sweet at her to get her attention. 
The brunette faced them and gestured to her book before turning back around. Tyler shrugged and continued his conversation with Eric, Jessica, and Mike. Though Laura watched as Bella looked towards the Cullens. Alice was heading up the stairs and glanced back at Bella, ahead of her were Rosalie and Emmett though no sign of Jasper or Edward. Laura furrowed her brows and was about to take a step towards Bella when the bell rang. 
"Let's get to Trig girl" Mike sang playfully as he grabbed Laura's shoulders and began to push her in the direction of the school. 
"You are way too lively for this time of the morning" Laura groaned with a grin, before jokingly swatting away Mike's hands. As they continued towards the school she glanced back at Bella once more. 

Most of the school day went by well, Mike had lively and purposefully annoyed Laura for most of Trig because for some reason he was full of energy and knew she was far from it but the rest of her classes had gone by fine. Upon getting to History, her last class before lunch and not seeing Jasper she didn't think much of it, figuring maybe he was sick. Though she was annoyed that she wouldn't get to ask him about his family, at least the attention did indeed seem to shift onto Bella and away from her... for now.
"Project time" Laura's History teacher chimed as he entered the room. "You'll be working with the person next to you, it's due next Tuesday" he said as he began to hand out papers, before pausing as he reached Laura's desk. "No Mr. Hale today, do you want to join another group?" he offered. 
"No it's fine, I'm sure he'll be in tomorrow" she assured him with a nod taking the paper from his hand and looking over it. 

But as Wednesday came, Jasper was another no show... and so was Edward. Having no choice Laura was doing the project on her own since she had already started it the day before and didn't want to randomly join another group, she just hoped that he'd at least show his face before the weekend. 

Thursday, again the blonde wasn't at school. Sitting at the lunch table Laura looked up as Bella sat down, she followed her gaze to the Cullen's table who were looking over at the pair. Biting her lip Laura reached into her bag and ripped a piece of paper from a spare page and got a pen. She quickly jotted down on the scrap piece of paper before handing it to Bella. Bella looked between the note and Laura confused before reading over it.

'Can I talk to you after lunch?'

Bella gave a nod. Come the end of lunch Laura made her way with Bella to her locker. "What did you wanna talk about?" Bella asked as she opened her locker. 
"Edward is in your Biology class right?" Laura asked leaning against a locker as she folded her arms over her chest. 
Bella licked her lips and seemed to pause at the question before replying with a simple, "Yeah"
"Did something happen?" Laura asked knitting her brows together as she tilted her head forward. "I'm just wondering because Jasper mentioned you two had Biology together and since then neither him or Edward have been in school and I don't know just seems like weird timing?" 
"Uh, no, uhm" Bella started flustered as she closed her locker. "I don't know... he was just staring at me, the entire class" she admitted. Since hearing that Laura had managed to speak with Alice and Jasper, Bella figured if she could tell anyone about Edward's weird behaviour then maybe it was her. "Do I smell?" she added quickly turning to face her fellow new girl. Laura looked at Bella bewildered. "They way he was acting, made me feel like I stink or something"
"You don't stink Bella" Laura assured her with a nod. Sighing Laura shrugged and threw one of her hands in the air slightly. "Maybe they just both got sick or something, it's Forks, with all the rain people probably get colds 24/7" she tried to reason. 
"Yeah" Bella replied with a nod, her eyes downwards as if she was thinking about something.

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