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Heading inside the cafe Laura's eyes landed on Bella and her dad, Charlie, sitting at a table by the window. Next to them was the waitress and the table over sat a few men listening in as Charlie spoke. "Yeah we found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is is headed east so Kitsap County Sheriff is taking over from here"
Laura furrowed her brows curious as to what they were talking about.
"I just hope they catch him fast" the waitress finished before turning and leaving the table. 
Moving from the door Laura gave Charlie and Bella a small, friendly smile as she passed them before heading to the table she could see her mom and Nate sat at. "Hey" she greeted as she slid into her seat. Seeing Nate as he coloured on a page given to him by the cafe made her smile before she looked to her mom. "How was work?"
"Tiring" her mom admitted, "I'm just glad tomorrow's Saturday" she added, dark hues scanning the menu. 
"Hey, what was Sherrif Swan talking about? A bare human footprint?" Laura asked, hoping maybe her mom knew what was going on. 
Susan furrowed her brows as she lowered the menu, surprised her daughter hadn't heard what was going on. Leaning forward in her seat Susan began to whisper to avoid Nate hearing and not wanting to possibly upset anyone around her, "A local, named Waylon, he was found dead on his boat. Dr. Cullen examined the body and said it looked like an animal attack"
Laura's gaze drifted momentarily as she remembered the night she had drove to the hospital, Carlisle told her and Jasper he was going to the station since they're had been a fatal animal attack, seems like this had been the one. 'But Charlie found a footprint' she thought to herself confused though her attention was grabbed by the waitress approaching their table. Once they ordered Laura noticed Bella get up from her table and go to the restroom. Waiting a moment Laura excused herself before heading in the same direction, upon opening the bathroom door she saw Bella stood at the sinks. 
"Hey" Bella greeted. 
Laura flashed her a smile before crouching down slightly, garnering a weird look from Bella. Laura's eyes scanned underneath the stall doors to see if there was anyone else in the room, and thankfully not seeing any legs she stood back up and made her way to the sinks. 
"My mom just told me about the guy, Waylon?" Laura started as he furrowed her brows. "Your dad said they found a footprint today?"
"Uh yeah" Bella nodded as she turned to face her friend. "I asked Edward, they think it was other vampires" she explained. 
Laura gave a slow nod and there was a moment of silence between the two before Laura let a smile come onto her lips. "So, Edward's Tarzan now?" she asked with a smirk. 
Bella quickly grinned and let out a breathy chuckle as she nodded. "How did you-"
"I was looking out the window at the house, I saw something and Jasper said it was you guys" she explained her smirk still present. 
"I thought you weren't gonnna come over" Bella said as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her jeans. 
"Yeah we were late, my mom accidentally met Jasper when he parked outside" Laura cringed at the thought. 
"Oh yikes" Bella chuckled, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear being as fidgety as always. "Are you going to the baseball game tomorrow?"
"Yeah, Jasper's picking me up, gonna make sure I run out the door before my mom sees the car" Laura laughed, before shrugging. "I'll let you get back to your dad" she said, stepping aside so that Bella could pass. 

After going back into the cafe and having our food, mom said she needed to head over to the reserve. Apparently mom had complained to Allison about not having enough pictures in the house and so Allison went on a hunt to find ones from when they were kids, and luckily there had been a box in her attic that she'd taken from their childhood house. As mom drove into the reservation land it crossed my mind how Jasper and the other's could step foot on this land and I wondered what would happen if they did so. 

Pulling up outside Allison's house Nate was the first to hop out and run inside, since Allison had watched him after school so many times he was very used to the place by now and very comfortable to hop on the sofa and turn on the tv. After Laura and Susan made their way inside Susan headed upstairs where Allison told her she'd be while Laura was going to just join Nate on the sofa when she noticed something out back; the boys kicking around a soccerball. Going to the backdoor, she saw Emily outside watching the guys, her eyes on Sam and a big grin on her face. Seeing the girl's grin, a small smile formed on Laura's lips a she stepped outside and greeted her. 
"Hey guys" she called to the others. 
Jace looked over and waved. Noticing the boy's distraction Embry kicked the ball right passed Jace and scored in their makeshift goals. Jace huffed annoyed and shot playful daggers at Laura, "That's your fault!"
"And that's the game!" Embry cheered playfully, having scored the winning goal in their little match. "Thank you" Embry smirked at Laura who raised her hands in defense. 
"I didn't mean to, I just wanted to say hi" she chuckled. 
"Next time, I'm in goals" Paul glared at Jace before making his way inside. 
"Who put a stick up his butt" Laura muttered under her breath with a grin. 
"Paul's been on the losing team the last three times" Jared explained with a chuckle as they all began to head into the house. Laura nodded and followed them in and saw the guys all greeting Nate with fistbumps and whatnot.
"He's a cool kid" Jace said as he stood by Laura.
Laura glanced over to him and smiled, "Quite a character, a lot like dad" she smiled, though there was sadness in the smile, not wanting Jace to notice she was quick to change the conversation. "So, how're the prom plans with Eliza going?" she smirked nudging him playfully. 
Jace blushed and tried to hide his smile as he spoke, "Good, she picked out the corsage I should give her" 
Laura giggled lightly and nodded, "Sounds like Eliza" 
"Yeah, she's really great" Jace admitted bashfully. 
"A keeper one might say" she winked playfully. 
Hearing the stairs Laura turned her head to see her mom and Allison coming down, in her mom's hand were a stack of images and a smile plastered across her lips. "Let's go, I can't wait to put these around the house" her mom beamed.
Before they could make their leave Sam spoke up. "Oh Laura, you're mom mentioned you don't have a proper coat, besides a... bright red one you refuse to wear?" he chuckled as he made his way over to an armchair in the living room. He picked up the coat that was on the back of the chair and strolled back to Laura before holding it out to her. "You need one in Forks, spare one of mine"
Laura was surprised at the generiosity of her cousin, which was evident by the expression on her face. "Thanks Sam" she smiled as she took it from him. Now with a new coat, and new pictures from her mom to display in the house they drove back home.

Laura had woken excitedily, eager to see Jasper and go to the baseball game. She had spent the morning with her mom framing pictures and organising where to put them in the house; aside from wanting to help her mom with that stuff it also meant she could keep an eye on her and avoid her running into Jasper again. The mother and daughter made their way into Susan's room, both having a small picture frame in each hand that they were going to place somewhere in the room. 
"What about here?" Susan asked herself as she moved away from her daughter. 
Laura walked over to her mother's dresser, on it was a picture of their family including her dad. Laura's eyes focused on his face as the corner's of her mouth fell into a frown. 

There had been so much going on since moving to Forks, a lot of good stuff, a lot of stuff to distract me. But I still missed him, of course I did.

"Laura, what'd you think?" Susan asked. 
Laura blinked from her daze, quickly putting the family picture back as she turned to look at her mom who was positioning one of the new frames. "Looks great" Laura nodded forcing a smile. 
Feeling her phone buzz she saw a text from Jasper saying he was there. "Uh I gotta go mom" she told her, as she tucked the phone into her pocket and placed down the new frame she was holding.
"Oh okay, where are you going?" her mom asked dusting off her bedside table. 
"Jasper invited me to baseball with his family"
Hearing the name her mother spun on her heels to face her daughter, a cheeky smirk on her lips. "The boy from the last day?" Biting the inside of her cheek Laura nodded, a happy smile creeping onto her lips. "Well you have fun" her mom told her encouragingly. 
"I'll be back later" Laura chirped as she left her mom's room to jog down the stairs and head out the front door. Her blue hues landed on Jasper, the tall blonde was leaning against his car waiting for her,  a smile formed on his beautifully pink lips as Laura approached. 
"No Mrs. Winters to greet me today?" he teased playfully as he opened the car door for her. Laura shot him a playful look before getting in, Jasper closed her door and made his way around the car. After getting in and starting the engine a voice called out, "Laura"
Her eyes darted to the house and saw her mother speed walking towards the car, the new coat from Sam in her hands. Laura put down her window, "There's supposed to be a thunderstorm, take this in case it rains" Susan smiled as she put the coat through the window. 
"Thanks mom" Laura said thankfully having forgotten the coat since she was in such a rush to get out to Jasper. 
Her mom leaned down to look further into the car, making eye contact with Jasper. "Hello again" she smiled slyly. 
"Good afternoon ma'am. I hope you don't mind I invited Laura to play baseball with my family and I"
"No not at all" her mom beamed, waving off the notion. 
"Great well we better get going, don't want to stall the game" Laura said abruptly, slapping her palms down on her thighs lightly. "I'll see you later mom" 
Jasper smiled at Susan before begining to drive away from the house with Susan waving them goodbye. "That coat stinks" Jasper pointed out with slightly narrowed eyes. "Wolf odor"
Laura's mouth dropped slightly before she laughed, "Sam gave it to me, it was his" she explained as she grabbed it. "I wonder if he did that on purpose" she pondered with a smirk, it was something he'd probably do since he knew she was affliated with the Cullen's somewhat. It seemed his sporadic generosity had been done with some underlying, devious intent. 
"Perfect attire for being around vampires" Jasper said sarcastically as he quirked a brow at Laura. 
Laura simpered as she looked at him before starting to put the coat on, "Great, I'll make sure to wear it for the whole day then, wouldn't want me catching a cold would we?" Jasper smiled at her, she always had something to say back to his wit and he thoroughly enjoyed it. 

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