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Jasper watched from across the lot as Tyler's van was halted, knowing it was Edward that had stopped it so it wouldn't hit Bella. Knowing Laura was in the passenger seat Jasper took a step forward to begin making his way towards the scene before Alice placed her hand on his chest to stop him. "There's blood" she warned him, although his control had been good they weren't going to risk him being around any human blood. "She's okay Jasper" Alice insisted looking up to him through his dark hues were still on the vehicle. "Jazz I promise, c'mon" she said, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the cars to leave with his siblings.

With the van stopping so quickly Laura and Tyler both hit into their windows. Laura placed her hand on her face and quickly looked out the window and was shocked at what she saw; Edward was crouched in between Bella and Tyler's van with a big dent present where his hand was. Edward was hast in leaving the scene as Bella stared at the dent in as much disbelief as Laura. Rushing to roll down her window she looked down to Bella who dazedly stood up from the ground and looked around before the two girls shared a look that asked "Did you see that?" Before anything was said Tyler leaned across the seat.
"Bella I'm sorry, I panicked"
At this stage, everyone had rushed over to check on them, as Laura unbuckled her belt she noticed the Cullen's cars exiting the parking lot. Getting out of the car she stood with Bella and the others as they waited for the ambulances to arrive. Tyler seemed to be the only one out of them that was really hurt, he had a cut on his forehead, Bella was without a scratch, while Laura had a slight bruise forming on her cheek. 

Laura kept looking at Bella, she wanted and needed to talk with her but couldn't with everyone around. The ambulances arrived and they were taken to the hospital to get checked over. Tyler sat on the first bed in the room, followed by Bella and then Laura. 
"I think it's just the cheek" Laura told the nurse before suddenly the room door opened and in walked a man in a police officer, given what Jacob had told her Laura knew this was Bella's dad. "Bella" he said relieved. "You okay?" He glanced at Tyler and pointed his finger. "You and I are gonna talk"
"I'm fine dad calm down" Bella assured him. 
Tyler apologised, and Bella told him it was okay though Charlie pressed about how she could've been killed and that he had a passenger he was also responsible for, that being Laura. The door opened again and this time it was a pale blonde doctor that entered. 
"Heard the Chief's daughter was in" he smiled as he walked over to Bella's bed.
"Oh Dr. Cullen"
Laura's eyes were quick to fall onto the blonde man hearing his last name. He looked over Bella's chart and of course she was totally fine, Tyler began to apologise again though Charlie was quick to cut him off by pulling the privacy curtain across. 
"You know it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there, he knocked me out of the way" Bella told. "It was amazing, I mean he got to me so fast and he was nowhere near me"
"Like a real Superman, kind of unbelievable" Laura added from her bed, causing Carlisle to look over his shoulder at her before back to Bella. 
"Sounds like you were very lucky" he smiled at Bella before stepping aside to speak with Charlie. Laura gave Bella another looked before her attention was pulled back to the nurse that was taking her blood pressure.

Laura had tried to insist with the hospital to not call her mom because she didn't want her worrying about her and leaving work early, but unfortunately, the school had already contacted her and she was on her way to the hospital. Bella had left the room a few minutes prior with her father, but as Laura made her way into the hall she saw Bella stood at the corner and thankfully she was alone. 
"Bella" Laura whispered quickly walking over to her. 
The brunette whipped around to face who had spoken to her and upon seeing it was Laura she spoke, "You saw it too right?"
"That giant dent in Tyler's van that Edward's hand left? Yeah I saw it!" she hastily addressed in a quiet voice. 
"I was just talking to him. He denied it, tried saying that he was standing right next to me and that I hit my head and was confused" she said swallowing the lump in her throat. 
"Well, we can't both be so confused that we saw exactly the same thing. He was across the lot and then suddenly he was there stopping Tyler's van with his hand!" Laura had known he was by his car because she'd passed all the Cullens on the way to Tyler's van and knew all five had been by their cars. 
"Bells" Charlie called as he stepped into view. "I just finished the paperwork" 
"I'll talk to you later" Bella ended as she tucked her hands in her pockets. 
"Laura right?" Charlie asked, taking the girl by surprise though she nodded in response. "Your mom's at the front desk looking for you" he informed her. 

PainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora