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Man how I hated getting up early, I was very much a night owl, but unfortunately, the school schedule can't account for that. I set a couple alarms, I woke to everyone each time waking up just a little more so it made eventually getting out of bed easier. 

After getting dressed Laura dragged herself down the stairs to make her usual, exciting breakfast; two slices of toast and a cup of tea, the breakfast she had at home every morning. Sitting at the table eating her toast as she looked out the window, rain, great. She turned her head as her mom entered the kitchen. "Morning" she smiled. 
"Morning. Where's Nate?"
"Just brushing his teeth" her mom answered, getting some food ready to pack her son's lunch. "I left some lunch money for you by the door, I took a guess that you wouldn't want to bring a packed one"
"Mom, I haven't brought a lunch from home in like two years" Laura pointed out with a giggle, before she took the last sip of her tea. Getting up she placed her dishes in the dishwasher and gave her mom a quick hug as to not interrupt her lunch making. "See you after school"
"Good luck"
Walking out of the kitchen she grabbed her bag that she'd left by the door. "Bring your jacket!" her mother called.
Laura let out a huff and began to shift through the coat rack. "Is the only jacket here that's mine seriously the red one?" she yelled back, no way was she wearing that.
"That's the only one I took from the old house, all the other's looked too small" Laura looked towards the living room where she had tossed Jared's's jacket from the night before after the incident with Sam and she had forgotten to give it back to him. "You can take one of mine if you want?"
"It's okay, I got one" Laura replied, grabbing the coat and quickly throwing it on. "Bye mom, bye Nate"

This had been her first time driving the new car, but she liked it. It wasn't brand spanking new, nor was it an old banger, it was a happy middle ground though she would've been thankful with whatever her mother had gotten. Pulling into the school parking lot she cut her engine and sat in the car for a moment as she felt the butterflies return to her stomach. Unbuckling her belt she removed Jared's coat and left it on her passenger seat before looking in the rearview mirror at herself, making sure she looked okay.

"Why do I smell a mutt?" Rosalie asked her siblings as they stood by their cars, her face showing clearly her disgust for the scent. Just after Rosalie's question Laura opened her car door and stepped out, unbeknownst to her all the Cullen's eyes were on her.  
"The new girl's a shifter?" Emmett asked curiously. 
"Wolves usually stay on the reserve" Edward commented before he furrowed his brows and tried to focus on her thoughts, but the only thing he could hear was her trying to focus on her breathing and calming her nerves. Jasper was standing alongside Emmett as they all watched the brunette, he could feel the anxiousness radiating off her, but also the determination to calm herself, it was somewhat intriguing. Suddenly Edward was unable to pull himself from the new girl's mind like he was being drawn in, bewitched almost. It wasn't until Rose spoke to him that Edward finally snapped back.
"Well?" Rosalie asked, raising her brows towards Edward.
"I don't know" he shrugged, a confused look on his face about what had just happened. 
"Well she stinks that's for sure"
"Rose" Emmett tried to scold, "We don't even know if she is one"
"If the scent is that strong..." Jasper trailed off with a shrug, thinking it was inevitable. 
"I don't think she is" Alice chirped as she walked passed her siblings and headed towards school. The remaining Cullens watched their sister, before sharing a look between each other, though Jasper's remained on the pixie-hard girl. Alice had ended their relationship about three weeks ago, and she was so certain about it that Jasper offered to get Jenks to send divorce papers, which they had already signed to seal the deal. Jasper was hurting, but there weren't any hard feelings, he just couldn't understand why. The pair lived together and shared classes so there was no way to simply avoid his former love to aid the breakup process. Besides Alice was there to help him with his control, to keep him grounded if needs be which thankfully she had said she would continue to do. She told him that although she was ending things, she still cared and would be there for him. His brothers had also offered to help him, offers which Jasper gladly accepted, but none could deny Alice had been the best at doing so so far. 

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