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The next morning Laura had gotten out of bed a bit earlier to shower since last night she'd opted to laze rather than be productive, how typical. After getting out of her car Laura headed straight over to the new group of people she now called friends. Once again the Cullens were standing by their cars, but there had been no comment of the suspect mutt, none of them had even noticed her arrival except Jasper who could smell the familiar scent from History, though it was stronger now and even better. As Jasper realised he was the only one that noticed her, he glanced around at his siblings. "The odor is gone" he pointed out.
Rosalie's brows knotted as she narrowed her eyes and took a large inhale causing her eyes to widen. "That's what you smelt in class yesterday?" she questioned surprised, now she understood what he meant after school yesterday, it was enticing.
"Yes, there was still a hint of wolf yesterday, but now it's gone and all I smell is her" he muttered, as he felt his throat constrict.
"You'll be fine Jasper" Edward tried to assure him, patting him on the shoulder.
"Thank you for the optimism" Jasper could feel that his brother was genuinely optimistic that he would be okay, and that helped his own nerves a little.

Hearing the bell Laura made her way into the school with her group of friends, positioning herself to the further left so she would hopefully stay out of sight from the particular prying eyes. "Apparently there's gonna be another new girl on Monday" Eric said to the group as they walked.
"How do you guys hear about these things so quickly?" Laura asked with a chuckle.
"I work for the school paper, I got eyes and ears all over this place" Eric dramatised playfully, to which Angela gave an eye-roll, though she couldn't help but smile at him.
"We should write a feature about her!" Angela declared.
"Wow guys, thanks really feel the love" Laura joked sarcastically, bring ing her hand to her chest as if they'd hurt her feelings by not including her in the paper when she first joined.
"We could still include you?" Eric proposed apologetically, to which she assured him that she was only pulling his leg.

When it came time for History Laura made her way to the class adamant that she was going to speak to Jasper. Maybe he was shy like her mom thought, maybe he was feeling a little awkward since the only people he hung around with included his ex-girlfriend. After fixing the blue framed glasses that she needed for sitting far away from the board, she headed into the classroom, and as she expected Jasper was already at the table. Jasper knew Laura was nearing because the scent got gradually stronger and by the time she entered the room it was like he was hit with a wave of it and he felt the burn in his throat worsen. He sat with his hands firmly pressed on his lap as he watched from his peripheral vision as she took her seat. Laura opened her bag and took out her book, placing it on the desk in front of her before tucking the bag underneath the desk. She sat there trying to sike herself up, and Jasper could feel it, so before she said anything he took it upon himself to speak first. He turned to look at her and swallowed before speaking, "Hello"
The brunette's head quickly snapped to look at the blonde, he'd really taken her by surprise. "Hi" she breathed. "I'm Laura"
"Jasper" his smooth southern accent hummed.
"I know" Laura smiled, before furrowing her brows at herself thinking that sounded weird. "I mean... youuu dated Alice right?" Her attempt to make herself sound less weird definitely hadn't worked "Sorry I shouldn't have uhmm..." she laughed nervously as she looked down to the table.
Jasper could feel the emotions within her building and piling upon one another and he found it slightly amusing if he was honest, the corners of his lips pulled into a smile as he tilted his head forward to be closer to her view. "So where did you move from?" he asked, and almost instantly felt Laura's embarrassment from her question lift.
Looking back to him, Laura smiled slightly, thankful he had let her silly mention of Alice pass. "Olympia, so not that big a move really" she answered.
"May I ask why you moved?" the golden-eye teen inquired.
"Oh, ah" Laura stalled, biting her bottom lip for a second. "My dad died" she answered slowly.
Now Jasper felt as uncomfortable as she did moments ago. "My apologies"
"It's fine really" she speedily reassured him raising her hand slightly. Then silence fell upon them, Laura had mentioned his ex-girlfriend Alice which was definitely not a great start, and then when Jasper attempted to help her out of the hole he dug, he instead jumped in alongside her by asking a question that lead to her mentioning the death of her father.
"I think we both may have started off asking the wrong questions" Jasper pointed out, forcing himself to pull a smile again. "I'm Jasper"
"Laura" she almost laughed as they started their introduction over.
"How're you finding Forks?"
"Pretty good actually" she beamed a smile that was almost a match for Alices. Jasper found her nature now that she had they had got over the initial hump to be quiet nice and appealing. As they had started talking he noticed felt his posture relax slightly and the burning sensation had lessened, though of course it never truly went away. 

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