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Moving to Forks wasn't a huge deal, I'd been there lots of times before to visit my mom's side of the family, the Uley's. The move probably would've been exciting if it wasn't happening because of my dad dying. He was just 41 and seemed to be in good health, but he had a heart attack at work about four weeks ago and they couldn't revive him. Out of me, my brother Nate, and my mom, it hit her the worst. Nate was only 6 so he didn't fully understand the extent, he was still sad and missed dad but he'd probably grieve the easiest out of the three of us. I was going to be leaving behind the few friends I had, but to be honest I don't really mind. Most of my days I spent at home doing my own thing, so I only really saw my friends during school. Don't get me wrong I'd miss them, but I just don't think it's going to be a huge impact on me. 

Mom was originally from the reservation in La Push, she had moved to Olympia to go to college and that was where she met my dad. They dated, got married, and eventually had me and my brother. Now with dad gone, mom didn't see much of a reason to stay in Olympia anymore and she knows that she'll grieve better having more family around so of course I wasn't going to object. Thankfully I had managed to persuade her to get a house in Forks instead of the reservation after telling her I wanted to go to Forks high school. We used to spend summers at La Push visiting the tribe members and mom's family so thankfully I would know some people, though we hadn't been back in about four years so it's been a while since I saw everyone. 

I didn't want to be confined to the tribe members for friends, which was why I asked mom to let me enroll in Forks high school. Nate, on the other hand, would be attending school on the reservation which he didn't mind and mom liked the idea of. Because we'd be going to two different schools mom bought me a car so she wouldn't have to chauffer us between schools, and get herself to work in the morning. 

We had just moved up here early this morning, mom ordered a moving van and had the movers help set the place up. I was in my room pinning a calendar to the wall, not that I would likely use it, but it was just to fill the blank space. Today was Wednesday, I'd be starting school first thing tomorrow, it was late February, almost March, not exactly the best time to start but I didn't really have a choice. 


The brunette looked over her shoulder away from the calendar she had been fixing and saw her mom stood in her doorway. "C'mon, we're heading over to the reservation." she said, gesturing with a nod before turning on her heels. 

"Okay" she called after her, before exhaling lightly. She was nervous to see her former buddies again, she hadn't seen them since she was 13. Grabbing her phone from the dresser Laura tucked it into her back pocket and headed out of the bedroom. Heading downstairs she saw her mom stood by the banister putting a bright red rain jacket on Nate, that matched her own.

"Your jacket is in the kitchen"

"Mom, no offense, but I really don't want to go back to the reservation after four years in matching jackets" she grimaced slightly. Her mom rolled her eyes as she zipped up Nate's jacket. 

"Fine, too cool to match with your mom and brother now I get it" she said holding her hands up with a playful smile. 

Mom was great she didn't try to push things onto me, she would advise I do stuff, but if I didn't then she knew I'd at least learn from my mistakes. Dad had been kind of protective over me, but at the same time he was sweet and funny, I think that's how mom first fell for him, he made her laugh.

The trio exited the house and got into the car, Laura rode shotgun with her mom, while Nate rode in the back. The teenager couldn't help but smile as she looked between her mom and Nate, those jackets were an eyesore. 

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