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The rest of the night had played out good for the girl's, they'd over snacked of course, before falling into a deep sleep in the living room only to be woken the next morning by Eliza's alarm that she had forgotten to turn off. After grabbing breakfast Laura had received a text from the group chat she had with some of the La Push boys. Jace had suggested going to the beach since for once Forks had some nice weather, Jacob, Quill, and Embry were down to go but the other's said they were busy. Laura suggested it to Eliza and upon hearing Jace would be there she jumped at the idea, but first Laura made sure it was okay with the guys and of course it was. 

Eliza had asked Laura if she had a spare swimsuit which luckily for the girl she did, though Laura let her know she had no intention of going into the water. 
"Why not?" Eliza asked with furrowed brows as she caught the swimsuit Laura had thrown to her.
"I don't really like the sea. I mean, I'm okay with it to a certain point, but I hate not being able to touch the bottom... and I don't really wanna wear a swimsuit around the guys" she breathed with a shrug of her shoulders as she closed her dresser.
"We don't have to swim out very deep" Eliza tried to encourage her. "And you have a great body, you should show it off"
Laura smiled at her friend coyly. "Thanks, but I think it's cause I've known them since I was a kid so... it would just feel weird?" she guessed with another shrug as she began to walk out of the room. "Any way you put that on under your clothes, I'm sure one or two of the guys will be swimming too so you won't need me to keep you company in the water" she winked teasingly before closing the door behind her to let Eliza change in her room. 

When Eliza was ready the two set off to the beach and met the boys who were already there. Jace and Quill were kicking a soccer ball back and forth while Jacob and Embry were sat on the sand talking. 
"Hey knuckleheads" Laura greeted tapping the bottom of her water bottle on Embry's head.
"Ow" he chuckled before both boys greeted the girls. Laura sat down next to Jacob with Eliza sitting on her other side just as Quill and Jace jogged over. Laura introduced Eliza before all of them began to chat. Laura noticed Eliza's eyes watching intently whenever Jace spoke and every once in a while she would nudge her playfully causing Eliza to glare paranoidly at her friend, fearful the boys might catch sight of the nudging. 

I was glad to be mixing my new school friend with my old friend group, even if it was mainly because I knew Eliza thought Jace was cute, it was still nice to get that little mix. 

"Anyone thinking of going for a swim?" Laura asked after a while, squinting due to the bright sun that was shining over Forks, a rarity. 
"Yeah, are you?" Jace asked with a raised brow. 
"No I didn't bring a suit, but Eliza did" she was quick to add, looking over her shoulder to her friend smiling smugly. 
"Let's go then, gotta make the best of the sunshine" Embry said quickly standing up and taking off his shirt. Quill followed suit with Jace and Eliza sharing a look and shrug before also partially getting unclothed and making their way down the beach in their swimwear. 
"So Eliza has a crush on Jace huh?" Jake pipped up causing Laura to chuckle.
"Good, so it's not just me it's that obvious to" she grinned. "I gave her his number last night, she seems like a confident girl but I don't know if she'd be the type to make the first move" she shrugged unsurely. 
Jacob nodded understandingly as he rested his arms atop his bent knees. "Oh hey, did you hear Bella Swan is moving to town?" he asked, the thought randomly coming to mind. "You remember her right? She's Charlie, the Chief of Police's daughter"
Laura pursed her lips as she tried to think back. "Not really?" she replied, not currently able to put a face to the name.
"Well, she's moving from Arizona to live with Charlie" Jacob continued.
"Oh, she must be the new girl Eric was talking about. They're thinking of writing a feature in the school paper about her" she grimaced at the thought of such attention. 

After another while of chit-chatting between Jacob and Laura the four water-goers returned.
"You look like prunes" Laura giggled playfully as she looked at them.
"You go in the water for as long as we did and try not to get wrinkly" Jace light-heartedly replied.
"I just realised we never brought a towel" Eliza groaned to Laura throwing her head back, upon hearing the words Laura hit her palm against her forehead. 
"I have two in my car, you can use one" Jace said gesturing for Eliza to follow him to his car, to which Laura gave a teasing brow raise. Jacob and Laura waited a few minutes to let Eliza and Jace chat by themselves before beginning to make their way off the beach since everyone was just about ready to hit the road. When the girls got into the car to leave Eliza didn't stop talking about Jace and Laura couldn't help but smile. After dropping Eliza off at her house Laura returned home, where she spent the rest of her Saturday and Sunday relaxing and just enjoying the weekend before it eventually ended. 

PainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora