Chapter 27: In addition

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I know this update is late as hell. I know that this isn't even really an update, per se. It didn't sit right with me leaving chapter 27 where it was. With everything that's been going on, finding the time, energy, and heart to write is improbable at best.

I'm tired. Everything with George Floyd, Breonna Taylor (petition to arrest the cops who killed her and don't forget to call lawmakers!) and countless others, is truly depressing during a fucking pandemic.

But then, all the hurt and pain I've experienced as a black woman in America manifested into a creative, informative idea. We're going to explore some of the discrimination black people face in America, in a more artistic form. Regardless of it being in a fictional story, these are things that I have faced... people that I know have faced. Countless times. Statistically and factually, things that have been proven with numbers and anecdotes. In addition to educating, this makes chapter 27 feel more complete. So here's an add-on for chapter 27🖤. Hope you enjoy it! Adding it to the chapter later ✊🏽

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Dawson pads out the door. A sigh leaves my lips as I turn around. My eyes fall. I put my head in my hand, feeling an instant headache coming on. That conversation has left me feeling dejected. We ran in circles and got nowhere besides proving that we're too toxic to be together right now.

The last thing I want to admit is that Dawson could ever not be a good fit for me. If I could craft a place in my life for him despite his marriage: why can't he overlook this one thing? Why can't I definitively say I want a life with him?

Because I do. I know I do. I'm just not feeling that desire.

I could give him up easily, even after all of the years we spent revolving every moment around making this work. That time wouldn't matter if I were unhappy. I may be sad at this moment, but I don't want to lose him forever to a few sad moments. But nor will I fight for something that has been a long time coming.

I'm unable to pull my unfocus from the table until Ivory swishes up to me. A shot glass taps the table, circular and filled with a translucent, brown substance.

He caresses my low hanging head.

"You look like you need this. Girl, I don't why you be so stressed. You bring nothing but fine wine and drinkable men up in here— and they all look like they want nothing more than to blow yo back out," he pumps his back and I can't help but to smile.

"That's partially the cause of my stress." I stared up at him, my eyes fully recovered and wiped of emotion.

"Well, Hun, I would pay to have your stresses. 'Cause shit," He smirks, despite the longing in his eyes, and swats at the metaphorical representation of his stress.

I can't bring myself to keep his eye.

Knowing what Ivory has gone through his entire life, I can't hold back my sorrow.

Poverty, workplace discrimination, down to his need to code-switch depending on what costumer is around, I'm the only employer Ivory has ever felt comfortable sharing his burdens with. Society forces him to change who he is for the comfort of others... and to protect himself.

I vividly remember the time a group of men tried to solicit sexual favors from him because they "know [he] needs the money". That's something even his female co-workers haven't gotten. He splashed a drink in their faces and told them to get the fuck. When they asked me what I was gonna do about it I said, "Ivory, if they ever enter my premises do it again so that the bouncer knows which ones to kick out."

I know he sure as hell got a bonus and extra tips that night.

Because no one should have to go through that.

Not for the color of their skin or their sexuality. And it shouldn't have taken him five years to become manager here, just so he could still deal with the same harassment. He shouldn't have been disrespected and belittled by the previous manager. People with less experience and lighter skin shouldn't have been promoted before him.

As a mixed black woman, I didn't have to face as much discrimination as he has. It's the same as what I watched Francis experience for years. The same thing I watched so many of my people go through.

With French and I, my slight accent made me immune, my rich mother made me immune, and my lighter skin, especially, made me immune. Even though French is mixed as well, his dark caramel complexion made him the target.

When we were caught in school, doing the same thing, he was always the one to get into trouble. Racism has seeped so deep into the foundation of this country that even in our community we experienced a form of classism: colorism.

We got "she's too sweet," "she's so innocent," "the Brits aren't capable of that," (whatever that means), and "I know her momma is raising her better than that," all the time. Meanwhile, it was my idea that got us in trouble. And the only reason my mother was in Louisiana was to run from the affair I was a product of. So their biases were misguided and wrong. But that's how it was for years.

Even as a lawyer, I've seen how the justice system discriminates against black people. It's the reason why I'm beginning to have reservations about the Kade investigation. Now, knowing Roe's story, the last thing I want is for him to get caught in the major time they're trying to give Kade. Hell, he doesn't deserve a fraction of the time Kade needs. But I know that his punishment will be equal if not worse.

My phone vibrates, illuminating the tabletop. I pick it up, glance at the number, then roll my eyes.

"Speak of the devil," I mutter, "Hello?"

"Ana, my favorite salesman."

I force a laugh, "How's it goin' Drew?"

"Good. I'm, actually, very happy that you came through with the connections. I mean," he cackles, "I thought you were exaggerating when you said they had big money. Their pockets run deep, and so will mine."

"Exactly as I promised. You must want to proceed with this then?"

"Hell yeah. Schedule the next appointment within two weeks. I'm sending Roe this time."

Before I can object he hangs up.


The next update will be coming within the next 2 weeks! It's gonna be a fun one. And, if you don't like this add on, me and my afro crown are not fazed by you losing our majesty and creativity 💁🏽‍♀️ So begone✌🏽

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