Chapter5: The Storm

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A/N~This is one of my favorite chapters, btw. Omg, Tony, smh~

***Back To Realistic book Reality, or Bookality***

The small thudding of footsteps on the stairs alerts me to someone's approach. My eyes raise to the kitchen's entrance. The sight of bright, lavender hair confirms that the steps belong to Zoey. 

"Morning, Zo-" My words are cut short by the worrying look on her face. Tears fall down her cheek as smoothly as that of a river. "What's the matter?" I ask as I hurry over to her. My arm wraps around her shoulder as I guide her to the living room.

She sobs into her hands as she slowly sits on the sofa. "I don't know what to do, Anie." Her voice is shaky, her breathing rugged.

"What's the matter... what's going on sweetheart?" Sugar completely coats my voice. I'm not sure what to make of this, any of it, and I'm not sure if I'm prepared for what she's going to say. The longer she sits there shaking the more worried I become. What the hell did Tony tell her?

Her words confirm my darkest fears. "It's Tony..."

The things she says are horrid beyond belief. Tony's uncle, Steve, had been torturing and raping her. Well, according to Tony and her lies. I don't the gain in this: in causing her sister all this pain. Why lie about that? Even with the knowledge of Tony's untruths, I can't believe the words that had come out of her mouth. Was she even thinking?

My mouth is agape as Zoey finished the story. I know she looked bad yesterday but I didn't think she'd go that far to support her unholy deception. She's going to cause as much trouble as I thought she would. "Dear God," I play the shocked role I'd become accustomed to since Zoey started thinking her secrets were as so.

Sobbing fills the air once again and, though I know the tears are wasted, I still feel bad for Zoe. "Oh, sweetheart, it's okay. She'll be fine- she has you. Now go wash up and try to get it off your mind." She nodded slowly in a reluctant manner. The tears dry on her cheeks but are gone nonetheless.

As we stand I wipe her dreary eyes. I walk her to her room and start the bathwater. Coconut scented bubbles fill the bath as I pour the glossy, thick substance in. I add in some oils to soothe her. The water pressure is lowered so the tub doesn't overflow as I'm grabbing Zoey some clothes. When I'm done I push the girl in the bathroom, then lock and close the door.

I walk to the kitchen and put everything I took out for lunch away. Instead of pasta salad, I'm going to make omelets for Zoey. Since it's her favorite, I'm more than sure it's going to cheer her up. I mean, she is upset for no reason.

Omelets, cheese grits, toast, and bacon line the table in that order. A nice brunch for this dear child and her sunken heart. "Sup Ana," Tony says with a bittersweet smile. Her voice comes out sudden and pulls me from a daze I hadn't known I was in. She picks up a piece of bacon, examining me as I watch her closely. She slowly brings the greasy meat to her mouth, taking a small bite. She looks better than she had yesterday. This is, of course, after she took advantage of her sister's kindness and emotions.

My fist clench at my sides. "That's not for you, Tony. That's for your little sister; you know, the one who's worried sick about you?" I say through gritted teeth.

"I didn't ask her to worry." She smiles, smacking on the bacon.

"You wanted something from that make-believe 'my-uncle-train-raped-me' story. He couldn't hurt a fly and you know it. Where were you- truly- for all those years... and why are you back now?"

"That story was just for kicks. Zoey can't know the truth but neither can my dad. The only one that's in the way of that... is you. You're a sneaky, conniving bitch that knows everything about everything. And if you don't know, you'll figure it out; which is the problem. But you also work to my advantage. You take up my dad's time so he's too occupied to worry about his poor, defenseless children."

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