11. Into the storm

Start from the beginning

"That's right." Katara replied proudly. "Don't be so smiley about that. The Avatar disappeared for a hundred years. You turned your back on the world!" The man yelled. "Don't yell at him!" Katara said when she stood down between them. "Aang would never turn his back on anyone."

"Oh, he wouldn't huh? Then I'd have probably imagined the last hundred years filled with war and suffering." The old man said grumpily. "Aang is the bravest person I know!" Katara yelled back angrily. Aang, who was getting more quiet by each word, turned his back to them and unfolded his glider. He stepped on it and set off, into the sky towards the mountains.

"Yeah, keep flying" The man yelled after him. "You are a horrible old man!" Katara said angrily and she ran up to Appa and climbed into the saddle. She took off, and flew away, following Aang. The old man climbed aboard and stood down next to me. "Great friends you have, eh?" He asked me.

"He is just a child. Give him a break." I said and I grabbed a crate. I walked down and put it down below deck. "Did they just leave without saying goodbye?" Sokka asked startled.

The boat started to rock and it was difficult for me to keep my balance. I walked up to the deck, and looked over the railing. We were sailing out of the harbor, into the open see. There wasn't a spot of blue sky to be seen, only a think layer of white and grey clouds. Once we were on the open sea, the old man threw the nets into the water.

Sokka and I were trying to keep the sails down, but the wind was too strong. With all my strength I secured the rope and held onto it. It started to rain heavily and the waves were getting bigger and more rough. "We have to go back, now!" I yelled to the old man. "She can hold a bit longer, don't worry!" The old man yelled back.

"Why did you had to take me on this stupid trip? If we die, i'm gonna kill you!" I yelled to Sokka who could not even hear me over the wind's howling.

Thunder filled the sky and the lightning bolts lighted up the sky. The wood of the boat started to crack as the wind howled loudly and the waves splashed hard against the boat. Water was flying everywhere and I could barely see anymore.

"Sokka!" I yelled desperately. "Iz!" He yelled back. I saw him on the other side of the boat. I held on to the railing while repeatedly being pushed back. I managed to hold the railing with one hand and tried to make my way to the middle of the boat. This is it, I am going to die. Sokka and the old man were trying to get to my way.

I could not longer control my emotions and started to scream and cry while I hid behind the railing, holding myself as tight to it as possible. I did not dare to move. The boat's mast could break any moment from now. "Hold on! I am coming!" I heard Sokka yelling in the distance. I don't want to die, i'm not ready.

I saw Sokka appearing close to me by the railing. I reached out to grab his hand, but I could not reach it. I felt like I slipped and held the railing again. A large shadow fell down onto us. I looked up and saw a huge wave rising up, completely overshadowing the boat.

This is it. I gasped and I looked at my friend. I looked at my brother. I reached out to hold onto him, but it was too late. The boat tilted and the huge wave came through the boat, breaking the mast. Then it all went dark.

I felt like I was dead. I had to be. I saw a blinding white light, it felt soft and warm onto my body. I heard the soft rustling of leaves and waves of water splashing quietly onto the beach. I knew my soul already left my body. I felt no pain, sorrow or anger. I felt happy and at peace. Down here there were no broken hearts and talks of war and suffering. I should have stayed here, but destiny thought otherwise.

"Is she ok?" Katara asked worriedly as Aang laid her down in the saddle. "No, she's not breathing." Aang replied. "Come on Iz, don't leave me," Sokka said as he bend over her holding her face, "you got to fight." Katara stood down over Istari and opened her mouth. With a wave of her hand she pulled out a large amount of water out of Istari's mouth. She coughed a bit and passed out, breathing.

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