Chapter 48

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Aiden's pov

'Mr. Wickers I am officially going through with the lawsuit. Please do the what needs to be done. Inform me very step of the way'

'Sir, I will proceed with the lawsuit. We will be preparing the serve documents'

'Good, I look forward to hearing from you'

'Alright sir'

I cut the call once our conversation had ended. I have finally decided to take legal action against Miranda, Susan, Maxwell and Mr. Douglas.

Mr. Douglas is still denying his involvement with Miranda. He even went as far as to flee the country, but he had another thing coming.

Unbeknownst to him I had and still have security watching him twenty-four-seven. They caught him just before he was about to board the plane.

At the perfect time, giving him enough time to believe he could escape only to be caught when he was inches away from tasting his freedom.

It is rather comical; I can't help but laugh at his stupidity. He is and will always be a foolish and greedy man. He should know better after working in the Morgan enterprise for decades, but I suppose common sense isn't as common as we all believe it to be.

If it was, I highly doubt we would be in the predicament we were in.

Nevertheless, he is on house arrest until further notice.

As for Susan, well she is attempting to look for a new job. What she isn't aware of is no matter how hard she promotes herself as the prefect candidate for the job.

No one will employ her. That is if they know what is good for them, they won't. I made sure of that. The same goes for Maxwell.

As for Miranda she oversees enjoying what Bali has to offer and judging by her attitude she believes she's unapproachable.

For now, she can hold on to that assumption, in fact I want her to.

Still in thought I walked back into the living room where Ava was lying on the couch while her eyes glared at the television. In that very moment she looked to have no care in the world, an expression I have never had the pleasure of seeing from Ava.

When her eyes met mine, I noticed the excitement in them. It was an unusual expression especially in a time like this.

As I got closer her smile increased as if she could not hold her excitement in any longer.

'I've been thinking...with everything that has been happening and me losing my job...'

'Ava you can still get your job back. In actually fact there is no one else that can take your place permanently'

'I know but I don't want it back. As weird as this may sound. I think this whole thing is a blessing in disguise'

I gave her a confused expression. I wasn't sure where this conversation was leading to.

'I know it may sound unexpected and out of the blue, but I think what happened is for the best'

'Are you doing that thing where you try and find the positive in awful situations? because I don't see how any of this is a good thing' I raised an eyebrow at her.

She turned her body on the couch to get a better view of me.

'I know this is not the best or ideal situation. Trust me I'm aware, but it is something that has happened, and I have no choice but to accept it'

She took a deep breath in. Her eyes flickered from one side to the next as if trying to find the right words to express herself.

'I could either dwell in self-pity or see the good in it and do better for myself'

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