Chapter 7

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We walked into the half busy cafe with people sitting chatting amongst each other as they enjoy their break.

We were greeted by a teen with her red hair all over the place as she looked at us with her blue eyes waiting patiently for us to order.

"Hello what would you like to order" as she was saying this, I looked down at her name tag which read 'Melissa'

"I would like a Frappuccino with extra cream" I was the first to order.

After Damien had ordered we went to sit beside one of the seats at the corner of the cafe.

In no time Melissa came with our coffees, putting it carefully on the table in front of us.

"I didn't know you worked in Morgan Ltd" I said remembering what I wanted to ask him earlier.

"It must have slipped my mind" was his response.

"So how long have you been working there for"

"I don't actually work there; I just work with him because we just recently signed a contract together and he's one of the investors for my small business I just set up a year ago"
He explained.

We stayed in silence for a while.

"So how long have you been working for Mr. Morgan" Damien asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"I actually just started working there last Friday and today is my second day....I'm still trying to figure out how everything works" I replied back honestly.

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it babe"

I couldn't help but smile when I heard him call me 'babe'

Lunch was nearly over, and Damien and I were in my office talking when the door opened revealing Susan. "Hey girl I just-" she said but stopped when she realized I had company. "Oh, sorry I thought you were alone" she said dismissing herself.

"It's okay, Damien was just leaving"

"Yeah I was just about to leave...I'll text you as soon as I get off work"

"Bye" he closed the door behind him.

"Bye" Susan and I said in unison just before the door closed with a small click.

"So, who is he" said a very enthusiastic Susan.

I looked over to see her sitting on my desk with a smile on her lips which had dark red color on them.

"Well"... I started, looking around thinking of what to say. "I meet him in the club on Saturday and we immediately hit it off, he wanted to take me out so yesterday we went to the new Italian restaurant little out of town. I was really shocked when I saw him at the meeting this morning, we meet up after the meeting and we decided to go out for lunch" I explained.

" I'm so jealous of you, you have a hot guy in your life, and I haven't had one in ages" Susan groaned.

"I'll look out for cute guys for you don't worry" I said playfully.

"Don't put my hopes up" she warned with a little smile on her face.

"So, do you like working here so far" she asked changing the subject.

"Well it's been good so far I can't really say much because it's only my second day" I replied back.

She nodded checking her watch " I have to go back to my desk but if you need anything let me know okay"

She walked over to the door swinging it opened saying a quick bye before she left.

I went back to sorting out some documents that was left on my desk that had to be finished by tomorrow.

I looked to my right to see that there were blinds preventing me from seeing into Mr. Morgan's office.

I walked out of my office making my way to Mr. Morgan's office.

I knocked on his door softly. I stood there waiting for a response, but I didn't hear anything after standing there and knocking several times I decided to open the door.

I walked in to see a woman on Mr. Morgan kissing him like there was no tomorrow. I stood there slightly shocked and surprised by the sight in front of me.

"Don't you know how to knock" the brunette woman rudely said still on his lap.

"I knocked for two minutes and I didn't get a response"

"So, you thought you could just walk in here" she said getting up and coming towards me trying to intimidate me.

"That's enough Miranda" I heard Mr. Morgan warn the woman.

She sighed in defeat saying something like " some people need to learn some manners".

I just stood there giving her the 'are you serious' look.

She went back to sitting on Mr. Morgan lap, looking at me with an evil smile.

'As if that's going to scare me' I thought to myself as I turned my attention to Mr. Morgan.

"I wanted to give you a message from the company you own in Cuba, sir" I explained ignoring the woman on his lap.

"They said that It's an emergency and you need to be there immediately to sort out the problem before it gets out of hand" I continued

"Did they tell you what the emergency was" he asked

"No sir"

"Would you call my maid and tell her to get my stuff ready for my trip and also can you call my pilot and tell him to get the private jet ready for tonight" he told me as he grabbed his briefcase.

"But honey we were supposed to go on our date tonight" Miranda said with an annoying baby voice, which she thought was cute and would get her anything she wanted.

"As you can see, I have an emergency to sort out, we can go on our date as soon as I come back" was Mr. Morgan's response before walking out of his office with Miranda following behind like a lost sheep.

I walked over to Susan. "Who was the woman that was in Mr. Morgan's office, I think her name was Miranda" I asked Susan curiously.

"Oh, her that's Mr. Morgan's girlfriend of two years I think"

"She is so annoying with her squeaky voice" I said rolling my eyes remembering what happened less than two minutes ago.

"Yeah she is, she walks in here thinking she's all that just because she's dating the boss" Susan agreed.

"I just came in to deliver a message to Mr. Morgan then she gets up from his lap yelling in my face" I explained what happened with my encounter with Miranda.

"You better get used to it because you're going to be seeing her face a lot"

Later that day I was at my office clearing up my desk and getting ready to go home when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket.

I took it out and saw it was my younger brother Samuel. I answered it, feeling very excited to talk to him because I haven't had time to properly talking to him or see him.

"Hey, Sammy how have you been" I said excitedly.

The response I got was the sound of sniffing as if he has been crying. My smile instantly dropped.

"What's going on are you okay" I yelled desperate to know what the problem was.

"She's dead" I could barely hear him.

"Who died tell me what's going on please tell me" I started walking around in my office yelling at the top of my voice trying to get an answer.

"Mum's died.....she died this morning" I felt my phone slip out of my hands.

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