Chapter 17

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Ava's pov

The weekend flew by quick. I didn't do much, apart from the spar I went to with Susan which was nice.

I felt refreshed and rejuvenated after it.

It's now Monday morning. I have just gotten into my office.

As a personal assistant my job is to be here before the boss. He usually arrives shortly after me.

I am responsible for making his coffee and ensuring he is up to date with the current week plans.

He recently started requesting that I brew his coffee once I get in, but I don't pour it into his cup until he arrives and is in his office.

While I wait for him to arrive, I check the office emails. I'm able to see any emails that are for Mr. Morgan or my work email.

'Bing' a notification came into my phone.

I picked it up only to see it was a message from Damien. I picked up my phone excited to see what the text was about.

It read ' Good morning beautiful, I just woke up and you were the first person on my mind. I know you're probably at work. I hope you have a good day. I'll call you in the evening'

I couldn't help but smile, he has been sending messages like this through-out the weekend.

I always look forward to seeing a text from him. It really sets the tone for my day.

I replied back smiling from ear to ear. I just hit send when I heard Mr. Morgan's door opening.

He used his personal key to open the door, so he did not have to come into my office.

The sound of his door shutting was the cue for me to get him his morning coffee.

I pressed send before I put my phone in my back pocket. I walked over to the floor kitchen.

I grabbed my boss's favorite cup and poured piping hot coffee into it. I added one spoon of sugar just the way he liked it.

I placed the jar that contained the sugar back in its position in the cupboard.

I grabbed a small tray placing the cup on top of it. I exited the kitchen heading to Mr. Morgan's office.

I said my greetings to the secretary, Susan who had just arrived. I knocked on Mr. Morgan's door and patiently waited for his answer.

'Come in' he ordered on the other side of the door.

I opened the door and let myself in.

'Good morning sir, I brought your coffee for you' I said as soon as I closed the door and walked over to his desk.

I took the cup and placed it right in front of him.

'Thank you' he said before taking a sip.

I was surprised to see him spitting the coffee back out.

'Mr. Morgan what's wrong' I asked flabbergasted at the site.

'This coffee is horrible...did you put salt instead of sugar?' he demanded

'I don't know sir, I thought I was put sugar. I must have picked up the wrong jar'

I was mortified. I didn't know how to respond.

'I will make you another coffee.' I finally concluded while getting tissue to clean him up. I took the cup placed it on top of the tray once more.

I wiped his desk clean before leaving the room.

I made his coffee again this time making sure it was one teaspoon of sugar and not salt.

I knocked on his door and patiently waited for him to let me in. I opened it once I was given permission to do so.

I place the coffee on his desk once again and waited for him to ask for his weekly update.

'Did you enjoy the food?' he spoke breaking the silence in the room.

'Excuse me' I responded being caught off guard trying to make sense of what he was asking me.

'The restaurant that I meet you in on Friday. Did you enjoy the food there?' he asked again this time more clearly.

Realizing what he was referring to I answered 'yes I did, it was wonderful sir'

'I'm glad, it's my favorite place to eat' he added before taking another sip of his coffee.

'What meetings do I have this week'

'Sir, you have a meeting this afternoon with the company's shareholders, you have a lunch meeting on tomorrow to discuss the business's expansion....You have a few more meetings during the week but they aren't as important as the ones I've mentioned but I will remind you of them' I informed

'Also add games night to the agenda for this week, I want to try something different' he said spontaneously.

I typed it into the iPad I held in my hands. I was surprised that he would randomly bring up games night of all events to have this week.

'The snacks also need to be arranged, music as well as the games of course' Mr. Morgan added.

'To ease the amount of work you have to do I will help you, since I have more time to spare this week, I'll assist you' he continued

'Sir you do not have to do that. It's my job to do what you ask of me. I will have it all sorted' I exclaimed truly not seeing why he would want to do this instead of something else.

'I insist and also I have a good eye for snacks' was his reply.

I looked at Mr. Morgan while he smiled reassuringly. I really don't want to be alone with my boss.

'Okay sir, Damien also has a good eye for food he picked my food in the restaurant and I loved it. I will ask him to help too since he will be in attendance'

I was anxious and wanted him to agree. I was so desperate I kept on talking.

'Also, you can invite Miranda, I'm sure she would love to join in'

Regretting it as soon as I said it. I was in such a haste I wasn't truly thinking correctly, I needed him to agree.

I've been his assistant for weeks now and I still don't know how to be around him. Every time my boss is around, I'm on the edge.

I never know if I'm doing the right thing or If I'm saying the wrong thing.

'I don't think it's necessary, but they can join if they wish to help' he expressed, before looking through some files that were on the table.

'And sir when will this games night be for' I asked drawing his attention back.

He held his head back up and said ' Saturday, In the office since there is no one using it'

'Okay sir, I'll make a notice and send emails to staff'

'Send a notice to only this floor staff' he said before going back to the files on his desk.

I took that as my cue to leave. I walked over to his desk and took the coffee cup and placed it on the tray.

I opened the door to let myself out making sure to close it quietly.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I took a deep breath before walking to the kitchen.

I placed the cup in the dishwasher, I grabbed a bottle of water before leaving the kitchen.

I walked over to my office, to prepare the notice and send emails to floor employees.

I made a mental note to make sure to send a text to Damien to inform him about the games night once I'm done.

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well this quarantaine period. Hope you're all safe and minding your mental health. I hope you love this chapter. Please show your appreciation by, voting, commenting, keeping up to date with this book and my other ones as well as sharing my books. I really appreciate each and every one of you. You make my day knowing you still want an update after all this time. Love you all. Stay blessed!!!

Mr. CEO & INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ