Chapter 46

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Aiden's pov

'Mr. Douglas can you explain to me your relationship with the Heather family?' I asked one of the company's director in front of me.

The private detective called earlier informing me of Mr. Douglas and his involvement with the events that have been happening.

'What do you mean sir?' He asked pretending to be in confusion.

'I have been informed of your involvement in the activities of this cooperation and I want you to explain yourself' I stared directly into the irises of the elderly man.

Mr. Douglas has been in this firm long before I became the MD. He and my father were the same age working with each other since they were young.

To say I was shocked about the information that have resurfaced about him would be an understatement.

I never would have thought someone who had such a respected position in this company would dabble in the things that he did.

To think he tried to overshadow me in the meetings to hide the truth.

'Mr. Douglas' I raised my eyebrows at the man who was close to retirement.

He stared back in a daze as if trying to think of what to say under heated pressure.

'I don't think I have to answer to you'

He shot up as if realizing something.

'Yes, you do. I think you are forgetting that I am the managing director of this company and you answer to me'

'No. We all take a vote when conflicts between directors arise. Or have you forgotten the rules?' he challenged as if thinking he had the upper hand.

'To have a meeting so you can brainwash everyone to agree to your fraudulent behaviour' I stated with clear anger in my voice.

'Mr. Douglas you know from the years and I mean years of experience you have that you cannot run from situations like this'

'I suggest you start speaking and speaking soon or things will not look good at all' I added knowing he will probably pull a fast one on me but in the event that, that happens I will let him for now.

As if my prediction was correct, he replied ' I will not speak until my lawyers are involved'

Mr. Douglas opens the office door and scurried out.

Feeling like I've had enough of today I packed my things from the office. It was eleven in the morning, too early that Ava would know something was wrong.

Nether the less I wanted to go home. I packed my things from the office and made my way out ensuring I locked the door behind me.

Mr. Douglas thinks he can get away with this. He honestly believes he's that powerful to withstand my wrath.

He has another thing coming. I refuse to rest knowing that this is occurring, and to think they can get away with what they did.

As I made my way out of the building, I was glad to see that my personal driver was already parked in front of the building.

I had called him a couple of minutes ago and as the good worker that he is he made sure to be here on time.

As we drove off, an idea came to me. I was hungry and hadn't had much to eat this morning.

'Stop by the cafe over there. I want to pick up a few things' I informed my driver. Upon hearing that he proceeded to do as was instructed.

Once the car was safely parked at the side of the road, I exited it and entered the cafe.

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