Chapter 23

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Aiden Morgan Pov

What Ava said kept playing through my mind. I didn't realize until now how much I try to fix the damages Miranda has caused over the years.

It has been a burden; I have tried to ignore the fact that my mother has never taken a liking to Miranda.

I've always thought that if she got to know Miranda, she would see through all her antics and see her more as a potential daughter in law.

Now I'm truly starting to contemplate my decisions. Looking back now I genuinely cannot remember how we became what we are today.

It just sort of happened. I meet her in many occasions and from there we started talking.

Since Miranda is in town this weekend, I decided to call her over to my house. I had brought home unfinished work from the office which I am currently attempting to complete but to no avail.

I can't seem to concentrate on anything. I have so much work to get through, yet I've been sitting in my office at home for the past two hours doing nothing.

I've been contemplating many of my decisions and life choices. Miranda's outburst was simply the last straw. She has been disrespectful in the past but this has gone too far.

I would say one thing I admired about Miranda was her ability to stand up for herself. She did not allow anyone to walk over her.

It is both a blessing and a curse.

Often with her a little criticism, or correction is taken the wrong way. She believes she is being pushed around or being made a doormat when most of the time it really isn't the case.

I want to make things right today, give her an ultimatum.

'Ding' the doorbell rang. That must be Miranda.

I left my office and walked through the hallways to open the door for Miranda. It was already dark outside; the only source of light was the ones I had set up all over my mansion.

Miranda walked past me without a simply greeting or an acknowledgement. 'Well hello to you too' I said sarcastically hoping she would get the hint but of course I continued to delude myself.

'Don't talk to me with that tone' she raised her voice slightly. Making her way to the kitchen.

I followed her right after I closed the door. She placed her handbag on the island and made her way to the fridge.

She took out a bottle of her favorite detox drink that I keep in my house just for her because she demanded I do so.

When we started seeing each other she made it clear on the things she wanted. She hated repeating herself, so she went as far as to contact my pervious assistant, who wrote everything she required.

It was extensive and detailed that I'm sure it resembled Sheldon's roommate agreement. She made sure I understood clearly of what is expected of me.

'So why am I here' she asked while turning her head towards my direction taking a sip of her drink in the process.

I was standing by the door evaluating the decision I had made to invite her into my house.

'Miranda' I started

'I really don't think we are compatible. We argue more than anything. It is increasingly difficult to spend time with you and you are constantly impolite for no apparent reason' I stated, feeling the need to vent more.

'I am tired of picking up after you, you have a lot of soul searching to do and so do I. I don't want to con-'

'So, what you are telling me is that you don't want to be with me anymore' she screamed while dropping her detox drink getting closer to my face.

'Yes. I am tired of your antics and your constant disrespect' I replied truthfully.

'I don't want to be in a relationship that I have to walk on eggshells all the time or be concerned about the next person you are going to offend' I continued trying to keep my voice down.

At this point Miranda was so close to my face, I could feel her breath on my skin.

'You have no idea what you're doing Aiden Morgan. I am the real deal; you are losing a good thing here. You are never, never going to get better than me' she said as she glared at me.

'You think just because you own several companies you are some god' she continued intimidatingly. 'You are not going to hear the last of me, you and your assistant are going to see my wrath. You hear me'

'I have never in my life felt disgraced like this' Miranda roared as she rushed past me heading for the door, swinging her bag at me but luckily, I douched it before It could hit me.

I breathed heavily as I ran my hand through my hair. I feel somewhat relieved. It is as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders even though the break-up could have occurred in a better way. I walked further into my kitchen walking to the fridge.

I was about to take vegetables out to make stir-fry when I heard the doorbell ring. I don't remember inviting anyone else over apart from Miranda. I dropped the carrots on the kitchen counter before making my way to the front door once again.

Wondering who it could be, I looked through the peephole only to see Miranda standing on the other side. I opened the door thinking she might have forgotten something.

'You can't leave me' Miranda screamed as she saw me.

'Please don't do this Miranda. It's for the best' I replied trying to get her to see it from my perspective.

'We are not compatible, nor do we have time for each other'

'That's what made it work, opposites attract and spending time with each other all the time gets boring' Miranda exclaimed in a desperate attempt to chabge my mind.

'I can't live like this, who is going to take me shopping in Milan or take me on holiday to Mali'


'You were so good to me and I took you for granted. Please take me back I will do better much better' she pleaded, looking up at me.

'Miranda the last time I suggested we part ways you assured me that you will change but nothing changed' I remembered her.

This was not the first time I wanted to end this relationship. Every time I wanted to do so Miranda would promise to improve but to no avail.

She knew what words to say to convince me that I would be making a horrible decision if I don't have her in my life.

But the truth is I really don't have her, this relationship is more of a problem than a blessing. I fulfilled my duty in the relationship, yet she does absolutely nothing but expects me to bow down to her.

This time I'm standing my ground, and not allowing this to continue. I can't allow her to think her behavior is acceptable or is justified.

'Treat people with respect and the same will be done for you' my mother would always say. She made sure her children understood that and applied that to their lives.

Disrespectful behavior should not be tolerated or rewarded.

'I will do better this time'
'You know I'm only rude when I'm stressed or when I'm spoken to wrongly' she continued lowering her voice down to sound more convincing.

'Miranda, I have made my decision. I think its healthier for the both of us to part ways' I exclaimed not wanting to continue with this conversation.

'Have it your way, don't come crawling back to me. You are not going to see the last of me'


So, Aiden has finally ended things with Miranda, and she is certainly not having it. Do you think he made the right decision or do you think he made a horrible choice since they are a power couple?

Thank you all for the support. New chapter for you all I hope you enjoy while keeping safe during this lockdown. See you all in the next chapter. 

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