Chapter 44

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If you haven't already, please read my new book 'Love is for the books'. I am extremely excited to share it with my readers as it's another journey in writing.

Third person narrative

The events of last night kept playing through Ava's mind. She could not for the life of her focus on anything else.

As she laid on the floor with Aiden beside her, she could not help but feel a level of guilt. She knew she felt something for the man that laid next to her on the floor, but she could not bring herself to acknowledge what those feelings were.

As if feeling her gaze on him Aiden stirred in his sleep. At this point his state of sleep was starting to fade and he was beginning to wake up.

He could tell that Ava was awake but did not want her to know that he was semi awake. He knew that she was still shaken by yesterday.

He was aware that she would need to gather her thoughts together and he was willing to give her that, but he could not deny that it was extremely difficult.

In an ideal scenario she would be in his arms right now upon the realization of her feels towards him.

But of course, Aiden had to face the realistic world and give Ava the time she needed.

It did however leave a feeling of uncertainty as there was no guarantee that she would ever reciprocate his feelings.

Besides all of this Aiden decided to stay positive and show her that he did genuinely care about her but not overbearing as to not cause her to become more distant.

'Good morning' Aiden greeted making it known to Ava that he was awake.

Ava jerked slightly startled by Aiden's voice.
She was not prepared for that nor did she want him to be awake just yet.

She was still having difficulty coming to terms with what Aiden confessed last night. She didn't want things to change and become awkward between them.

She wanted to have things the way they were before all this came to be. Before Susan and Miranda decided they wanted her out.

Beside Ava, Aiden was observing as Ava sat on the same position looking to be in deep thoughts.

He had a feeling it was to do with what happened yesterday and how he had somewhat expressed his feelings towards her.

He knew she would react this way, reasons why he kept quiet for a while upon his personal realization of his feelings towards her.

Wanting to clear the air and get his day started he spoke 'I need to get ready for work'

Aiden stood up from the floor which they had slept on. They placed blankets and pillows on the floor watching movies until they had falling asleep.

As Aiden rose, he held out his hand to Ava. Ava's hazel irises stared at his over stretched hand before grabbing it.

With little to no effort Aiden pulled Ava to her feet.

'I am going to go back home and prepare for work'

'Okay. Text me when you get to the office'

'You are coming with me' Aiden spoke causing Ava to glance at him quizzically.

'I can't leave you here alone. You need security. My place has twenty-four-hour security'

'Aiden, I have things to do and I like staying in the comfort of my own apartment' Ava protested hating that he was making decisions for her without her previously agreeing to it.

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