Chapter 19

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Aiden Morgan's pov

We finally arrived at our next destination, which was another mega sweet shop.

I walked ahead while Ava and Damien walked behind me chatting away between each other. It amazes me how close they have gotten since my assistant is extremely restricted.

By our interactions I can tell she's not truly comfortable with me.

I offered to help with the organization of games night because I wanted her to see that I'm not just a scary boss who is ready to fire her if she does wrong.

I wanted her to be comfortable and not feel on the edge around me.

I understand why she feels that way, I've been raised to take over my family business.

Growing up although I had a wonderful childhood, it was certainly different from other children my age.

Instead of playing outside with friends and being care-free I was learning what it took to run a business.

There were instances where I could go out, thanks to my mother but my father insisted I needed to be focused and not fill my head with nonsense.

Over the years I've mastered the art of a stone face, not allowing my thoughts or how I truly feel to be expressed in my face.

It comes in handy when dealing with clients, but in my personal life (the little I have) it does not help at all.

Often times I dream of an escape, going somewhere so excluded that nobody knows who I am.

I often dream of being invisible, the ability to walk in public or walk into a building without being stared at intensely.

I long for the days I can truly escape this world of constant gawking and watching.

I long for freedom and tranquility. I often read the poem ' I will arise and go now, go to inns free' by W.B Yeats

The poem instigates something in me, a flame perhaps. A flame that burns faster at the thought of an escape, a flame that burns until it's too late and there is nothing else to burn.

I want to escape, as the man in the poem did. I want to be in tranquility and peace, alone with no civilization.

Mr. Morgan your phone is ringing. I was brought out of my daze by Ava's voice.

I looked at her, as she had now appeared on my side.
'Ringgggg' my phone went off once more. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

I looked at the screen to see it was Miranda calling.

I picked the call ' hello'

'When are you going to be done with shopping' Miranda spoke cutting right to the point.

'We still have a few places to go to. We just left the first shop, we are currently making our way to the games store' I replied truthfully, making sure to do so in a calm manner.

Miranda often has a temper tantrum, that temper tantrum is worse when she believes you're talking down at her.

'Hurry up, I'm done with what I have to done. I don't want to wait any longer' was her response before hanging up.

Often people ask why I deal with her, I've had people try and set me up with their child or grand children.

The truth is I'm familiar with Miranda, with my busy schedule I don't have time for dating. Miranda fits that schedule.

She often busy herself and all she requires is money and that's something I can give.

I've also never had anyone that sparked my interest, someone who truly made me feel like I was Aiden and not Mr. Morgan the CEO.

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