Chapter 40

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Ava's pov

'How is that even possible. How could they possibly think you are capable of such a thing' Emma shouted equally as angry as I was.

We were currently on video call; I had told her about being fired from my job and how I am being accused of something I have no hand in.

'And Me. Morgan was there and didn't say anything! This is absolutely demented. He of all people should know that the idea would not dare to cross your mind' Emma one of my good friends yelled through the screen.

She looked furious and simply couldn't fathom the idea.

'If they wanted you out, they could have just said. Instead of adding money laundering to it. Now what's going to happen?'

Before I could answer another caller joined our conversation.

'Megan nice of you to join us, you're late' Emma exclaimed but I could sense some hostility in her voice.

'What is going on why do you look angry?' Megan asked completely ignoring Emma and cutting right to the chase.

'I got fired'

'You got what?'

'She said she got fired keep up'

'I heard her the first time, I was just in shock' Megan utter back equally as agitated.

'What happened? You just got the job' she said in complete confusion.

'They accused me of money laundering, and I could be facing charges as a result. I didn't do anything at all. I'm completely innocent in this'

'I believe you' Megan said trying her best to console me through the screen.

'You're her friend that's what you're supposed to do' Emma exclaimed rolling her eyes.

The interaction between Emma and Megan is extremely hostile. The tension between them is so thick and unavoidable.

I was about to bring it up when Megan spoke once again 'get over yourself. You can see that she's hurting. Stop being petty'

Before Emma could speak, I interrupted 'could you two stop, whatever disagreement you have sort it out. I'm dealing with is bigger issue than you both of you constantly bickering over unimportant things'

I was beyond frustrated. I wish they could just get over themselves just this once. I want to vent but I also need advice on what to do.

'Sorry, you're right this is bigger than us' Emma agreed looking guilty as she spoke.

'What are you going to do and how can we help' Megan asked

'I need to at least try and get evidence to clear my name. I need to prove that I did not have a hand in the money laundering as I'm being accused of. The question is how do I get the evidence that would do clear my name'

'What about Mr. Morgan what has he said about all this?' Megan asked again

'He was there when she got fired. She wasn't fired by him, but he was in the room with the board of directors so it's a cause of guilty by association' Emma explained to Megan

'I'm not entirely convinced. He employed her so if anything, he would be the one to fire her. If the board of directors had to do it and he didn't say a word perhaps he did not have a choice, or he was out-numbered'

'He's the executive director. He should have the finally say in everything'

'In normal circumstances yes, but if it's a serious case such as money laundering, they don't take into consideration of just one person's opinion. It's a matter of how many people vote in favor of one decision' Megan further explains.

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