Chapter 4

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We were all making our way into the club. It was easy to get in because Megan's cousin owned the club.

We were pretty hyper and ready to party. I was in my six-inch heels and I was also wearing the dress I bought early today.

We walked in and immediately heard the heavy music blasting through the speakers and people up in the dance floor.

We walked over to the bar and order a few drinks. As we sat there, I saw two men walking over to us.

Emma got up and gave one of them a hug and a quick kiss. " Guys this is my boyfriend, Derek and this is his friend Liam. I said hello and did a little wave and so did the girls.

"Okay I'm going to go talk to one of the guys over there if I don't come back don't look for me " Angie said blowing us a kiss.

Liam walked over to my side. "Hey beautiful what's your name "he said using his best sexy accent. "Ava" I said looking around.

I saw Emma and Derek on the dance floor. I looked to my right and saw Megan talking to an extremely cute guy.

After a while, they got up and made their way to the dance floor. Megan turned around and gave me a wink.

Then turning around to the guy, she was with. " let me buy you a drink " "sure" I turned around facing the bar. Liam called the bartender and asked him for their best drink.

After drinking to glasses me walked to the dance floor and started dance. I turned my back to him and started dancing. I was dancing and singing. When I turned back around, I saw Liam dancing with some bimbo not paying any attention to me. I walked away not really caring.

I walked back to the bar and got another shot. I looked around but I couldn't see any of my friends. Liam was dancing like a mad man with two bimbos. "Hey there, are you okay" I looked to my side and saw were the voice was coming from.

I saw an extremely good-looking guy with a bit of a stubble and was well dress. "Yeah I'm okay just a bit tried" I said with a small smile. " right okay by the way my name is Damien what's yours" he said showing off his white teeth. "Ava" "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"
Laughing I said "that's so corny"
" Yeah it is but I meant it when I said you were beautiful " he said "Thanks but I'm going to call it a night" I said standing up. "Can I at least get your number" "Yeah give me your phone".

He handed me his phone and I typed in my number. "Would I be able to see you tomorrow" he said taking back his phone "Yeah sure"
I got a message from Megan saying I shouldn't wait for her that she will get home by herself and that Emma went somewhere with her boyfriend.

I walked out of the club with Damien. I got into a cab after giving Damien a peck on the cheeks. He helped me close the door saying "goodnight sleep well"
He stood there watching the cab drive by.

I woke up with a bit of a headache. I grabbed my phone and looked through my emails and my social media when I got a text from Damien 'Good morning beautiful. I really enjoyed yesterday and I'm looking forward to or date tonight. I'll pick you up at 8pm. Can't wait to see you again bye for now.

I couldn't help but smile I was really looking forward to the date. I got up and went to the bathroom and did the usual.

I went downstairs and got some painkillers and I also made grabbed a few things to make lunch because it was around 1pm. After making the sandwich i got some water and popped two painkiller tablets in my mouth.

I then walked into the sitting room with my food and coke in my hands. I sat down on one of my sofa's which was my favorite.

It's black with some white patterns around it and its super comfy. I turned on my computer and started sorting out some off this week's schedule for Mr. Morgan so I can be organized and prepared.

It was around five when I finished. I was about to get more food from the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. I went to get it. When I opened it and saw Megan.

"Hey, I was bored so I thought it would be a good idea to come over and I brought some food" she said waving two bags of food in the air. "sure, come in but I have a date tonight so you're going to be on your own for a few hours" I moved to the side for her to come in.

I closed the door when I turned around, I saw a very excited looking Megan. "Oh, my goodness really, who is he how did you two meet? Do I know him" I grabbed the bags of her and walked into the sitting- room.

"Well...he's name is Damien we meet yesterday when I was sitting by the bar on my own.
He came up to me and we started talking for a bit, we wanted to see each other again so he texted me this morning and he said he'll pick me up at 8 tonight and I'm not sure what we're doing yet" I'm so happy for you this is your first date in years" "yeah, I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time"
" So what are you going to wear"
I shrugged "not sure yet "

"You should wear a dress but nothing too flashy"

"I have a few dresses I could wear "

She grabbed my hand "good let's get started you need to look amazing for your date"

When we got upstairs Megan went straight to my walk-in closet and grabbed every dress in site while I just stood there watching with amusement on how ridiculous she looked. I let out a little laugh "what's so funny".

She came out with at least twenty dresses in her hands. "Oh nothing". "Okay whatever try on these dresses" she threw about five different dresses at me and put the rest on the bed.

I started trying on the dresses while she was looking through my shoes and occasionally turning around to see the dresses I tried on.

When I had finally tried on all the dresses. We settled on a dress that was a little above my knees.

It was black and gradually faded to white at the bottom it was a little tight fitting but not too tight. It also showed off my back a little Megan also gave me a pair of black shoes that were four inches making my leg look longer.

That was four inches long. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower I stripped and got into the bath.

I scrubbed myself, washed my hair and I got out, I walked into my bedroom with a towel around my body.

When I walked in, I saw Megan on her phone lying on my bed. " We have an hour left get dressed so I can start with your make-up"

After about an hour I was done my make-up and everything else and I was ready to go. I heard a car pull up outside. I walked over to the door when I opened it, I saw Damien standing there with a bunch of flowers in his right hand.

" Hey beautiful " he said smiling. "Hey " I replied shyly. "These are for you"

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