Chapter 45

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Ava's pov

Aiden was away in his office while I stayed at his home doing little to nothing.

I have been on his couch for the past three hours, I think. Surfing through channels hoping something would spark my interest but to no avail.

I settled with a blank screen as there was nothing good on Tv. I exhaled thinking of what else there is I could be going in this time.

Yoga? A thought came into my head but was dismissed.

I should probably go for a walk to clear my head. I rose from the couch from my lying position.

I balanced on my two feet after I had succeeded in lifting my body off the couch.

I made my way to the direction I hope was the exit from the mansion.

Aiden's home was spacious. There was enough space to accommodate families and still have room for them to not feel cramped.

It was certainly too much space for someone on their own.

But I guess if you have the money why not spend it on extravagant things, right?

When I got to the door, I was immediately blocked by the security officer that was instructed to guard me as Aiden was at work.

'I'm going for a walk' I simply said.

'Okay. Let's go'

'I am going on my own'

'I'm afraid you can't do that' he spoke

'Why not?'

'I have been instructed by Mr. Morgan to not allow you to go out on your own'

'I'm not going far. It's only around the neighborhood' I replied losing my patience by the second.

'It's either you stay indoors, or I have to go with you' the security guard spoke given me an ultimatum.

'I want to go outside alone. It's a gated community what can possibly happen when I'm out there. There are literally cameras everywhere and top-class system to ensure the safety of all residents' I whispered defeated.

At this point I was fed up and I haven't even been here for up to five hours. I felt like a prisoner who had been wrongly accused and thrown in jail.

A luxurious jail that is.

I craved for normality. A sense of freedom, not having to look behind my back constantly in case there is another attack.

I didn't want to give into the possibility that there may be more things to come that could possibly render me unsafe, but I wanted to stay positive.

Everything is under control, right?

The fact that we have found so much about the people involved in this mess proves that things will get better, right?

Well I hope so.

'You can go'

'Huh' I was in a state of confusion.

'You can go for a walk but only around this neighborhood. You must not go beyond' he warned his green irises flicked from me to the glass window that gave an amazing view of the outside world.

'Thank you...'

'Ethan. My name is Ethan'

'Thank you Ethan'

I walked pasted him wondering why he had changed his mind. From the look he gave earlier he was dedicated to ensuring I either stayed in the four corners of this mansion or I take this walk with him escorting me.

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