"What?" Taehyung's voice cut him sharply.

Jimin didn't gulp nor stutter unlike the others who would've, his face relaxed and even yawning quietly.

"You knew?"

"No I didn't," said Jimin simply, "But of course you could guess that she might be somewhere in South Korea."

Taehyung turned to him, his icy gaze protrudingly upon his friend's expression, "You somehow knew how her schedule should be or should've been."

"I saw her coming out from the office building a few days ago, the day you came to Seoul and I tailed her a little... I didn't tell you because you might want to cancel your trip after that." explained Jimin calmly. He knew his friend well enough to consider his possible reaction to such things. "I guess Seojoon's update was late today... Sorry, bro."

Jimin looked at his friend solicitiously again and his gaze followed him as he got up to light his cigarette.

"At least go to the balcony first." Taehyung heard him sigh behind him. He did not glance back nor bother to reply but the other did not really mind.

"Also, they are starting to think about sending Bang Shi-Hyuk overseas." added Jimin conversationally.

Taehyung guessed that Jimin had gone downstairs then from the sound of him closing the door. He wanted to rant and yell about how they kept it from him but Jimin could be right. Maybe he would've ran. Left with only his thoughts now, he scoffed to the cold air as the skies darkened.

They had an intel inside the NIS but no one, not even once, had informed him about her. More importantly, he wondered with exasperation, his eyes dark — how did she become one of them? When did she join them? Why would she?

Now they were enemies, weren't they? Then again, it would be the same even if she wasn't in the NIS. He was the one who killed her sister. He was, more or less.

It had been four years, almost five years since they last seen or heard of each other. None of them would know anything about the other. He just suddenly felt numb.

He figured his butler at his mansion didn't know that he killed two of his own men.

"Damn it." he hissed. His hand was shaking as he closed the lighter. It stopped.

"Why did I do that...?" he whispered coldly to himself. He didn't realize he punched the wall beside him until his fist began to sting. His head was spinning, he just let himself be distracted by how annoying that guff of smoke from his own cigarette was. It calmed him down. Of course he knew smoking was bad for lungs but most people didn't know it helped to temporary wind down thoughts for some.

"Why did I save her...?"

He knew why. He just wanted to believe that he wasn't himself when he did it. He couldn't show that much emotions for someone outside of his territory. If it was Jimin or Seojoon who were capable men inside, it was different but Soyun was a woman inside an organization like the NIS. If his men knew he once had a friend from outside, or if his enemies who could be anywhere were to find out that there was someone in their reach whom he had humane emotions for...

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