Chapter 2

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Bakugou POV

A Few Months Ago

"Bakugou!" Ugh, him again. 

"What the fuck do you want, hobo?" I tore my gaze away from the window.

"Bakugou!" Four-eyes stood up. He started waving his hands in the air like the dumb bitch he is. I just rolled my eyes, We've had this same fucking conversation multiple times before. Does he not have fucking ears?! "That is very disrespectful! He is an elder and our-" He finally stopped talking when the hobo interrupted him.

"Yes, thank you, Iida." He rubbed his temples. I smirked a bit. At least someone else gets how annoying four-eyes can be.

"No problem, sir!" Iida sat down.

"Baugou, your phone is ringing." I looked away from my desk and I finally heard the quiet ringing of a phone. I looked through my backpack trying to find the damn thing. FInally.

"Jesus-fucking-christ, can you-" I stopped. I felt my eyes start to widen before I quickly composed myself and stood up and walked out the door. I faintly heard the caterpillar calling out my name. Why is the hospital calling? I silently freaked out. Once I was a safe distance away, I pressed the answer button and held the phone up to my ear.


"Is this Bakugou Katsuki?" A voice asked from the other line.

"Yes, fuck-head." I was getting impatient and worried. "What the fuck do you want?" The voice sighed.

"Well, your mom, Bakugou Mitsuki, was in a car accident this morning." It felt like my world stopped. The Earth felt like it stopped spinning.

"W-What?" I chocked out. This can't be happening... Mom can't be- she can't be...

"I'm sorry for your loss sir, she didn't make it." Tears threatened to spill, but I wouldn't let them. 

"What about my dad? What about my sister?" Yes, I have a sister. Her name is Bakugou Katsumi. She's 10 and the light of my life. Yes, I can be fucking nice when I want to be, dipshits. Fuck off. 

"Your dad-," I heard the voice stop. This didn't help with my nerves. Was he in the car, too?! 

"Hello?!" I frantically called out. I took some of the time to wipe my eyes and calmed my breathing a bit.

"Yes, sorry, sir." I breathed out.

"Thank god, now what were you saying about my dad?" I closed my eyes, bracing for the worst.

"Um, well, I'm sorry, but, he didn't take the new very well."

"But, he's okay, right?" I silently pleaded for some good news.

"From what we could tell, physically, yes. But, mentally, I'm not sure." My breath hitched again. Dad... "He left the hospital in a hurry, so we don't know where he is."

"What about my sister?!" Please...

"She's fine." Thank god. I slumped against the wall, hanging my head.

"I- thank you..." I whispered.

"No problem, sir." The line clicked. I pushed my head up, trying to keep the tears from falling. Only one or two slipped through my grasp. I quickly wiped them away before anyone could see. Wait, Katsumi!! I fumbled with my phone and quickly dialed her numbers. 


I paced back and forth. 


Please be okay...

Bakugou has a sister?! (Soft Bakugou AU)Where stories live. Discover now