Chapter 23: We Love Versatility

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"... I'm sure you can start running a booming sex toy business. Something like—"

Gintoki was cut off when Tsukuyo grabbed him and flipped him over onto his head. His legs twitched as he fell to the floor, and he looked up to see a beet-red Tsukki.

"Don't start talking about something so obscene. Come, we must go to our friends," Tsukuyo ordered him, and she proceeded to drag Gintoki across the floor.

Vegeto slid down the wall as he watched them turn the corner, bickering along the way. He smiled and rested his head back on the wall.

"Oh, humans."





Gintoki and Tsukuyo continued to walk down the hall aimlessly for a few minutes before starting to sweat with concern.

"Oi, Gintoki, do you even know where you're going?"

"O-of course. You just take another right and then a left... or was it right again?" Gintoki said, scratching his head.

Tsukuyo smacked the back of his head as fumes blew out of her ears and nose. "BAKA! You're completely lost!"

"Okay fine! I'm lost, but can you blame me? I was too busy worrying about God-knows-what dangers you were facing to really pay attention to what turns I took."

"Well it's not like I can't take care of myself. Worry about yourself first, baka. You're more likely to die than I am."

"Says the one who got kicked by a vegetable. Whatever, even if I am more likely to get myself killed, that's all the more reason why I needed to find you as soon as possible. I can't live without my sensible half," Gintoki told her with a smile. "Neither would I want to live without you."

Tsukuyo stared at Gintoki incredulously and told him, "S-stop this corny nonsense. You don't fit the Prince Charming image with your natural perm."

Gintoki put his hand on his chest and gasped, "How could you be so mean? Don't insult my amazing women-wooing skills."

Tsukuyo looked up at Gintoki expectantly and asked, "And... why are you trying to use your wooing skills on me?"

Gintoki looked down at his feet and scratched his head before looking back up at Tsukuyo with a slight blush to his cheeks. "Well, isn't it obvious? Because I love you."

Tsukuyo dropped her jaw at Gintoki and felt the heat rushing in her face. She stuttered in response, "L-love? Hmph, y-you haven't even properly asked me out yet."

"Wait, we're not dating already? After all the husband-wife talk and the hand holding? You even called me 'your man', Tsukki. Any man would take that to mean they're dating," Gintoki said, smiling.

Tsukuyo turned away and crossed her arms. "There was no official asking-out. This is unacceptable."

Gintoki sighed and turned her so that she was facing him. "You're the most beautiful girl I've seen with the most beautiful soul I've ever encountered. I always thought that one should live beautifully until the end instead of just imagining a beautiful ending. If you're with me, I know I can do just that. I'm a clutz and far from perfect, but you make me a better man. Will you continue to grow with me as my lover?"

Tsukuyo, who was lost in his maroon eyes, caught her breath when she heard the last word. She always loved how he had a way with words, and she found herself momentarily speechless after hearing his question. After a few more moments of silence, beads of sweat began running down the sides of Gintoki's face.

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