Chapter 13: Flowers and Spice (and Everything Nice)

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The meeting had just ended, and Hijikata was walking outside to light a cigarette. Just as he stepped out the door, he felt something squish under his boot. He lifted his foot up to see what he stepped on, and he laughed.

"Hot sauce," he whispered to himself.

He realized with guilt that he wasn't able to visit Mitsuba after the yard sale because of the sudden turn of events, and he hasn't gone since. He didn't have to patrol until after lunch, so he decided to made a quick stop by the kitchen and grab a few packets of hot sauce.

He was getting into his car when he saw Sougo coming out of the building with Kagura, both playfully nudging each other. Hijikata considered asking Sougo if he wanted to come too, but he didn't want to ruin Sougo's time with his new girlfriend. He shut the car door, and started the engine. Hijikata sped off and stopped by a flower shop to buy a bouquet before driving to the cemetery. He parked his car and stepped out with the flowers and hot sauce in his hands.

As he approached her tombstone, he could feel his throat tighten up. It was a feeling he felt every time, even after three years of visiting her.

"Hey," Hijikata greeted when he got in front of her tomb.

"Sorry, I know it's been awhile," he apologized.

"I -uh- got you flowers of course, but I also brought your favorite. Hot sauce," he told her, setting down the bouquet and hot sauce packets.

He sat himself down in front of the tombstone and took a deep breath.

"So, I got some news for you. You know your little kid brother? He got himself a girlfriend! Ha, can you imagine that? And here's the scary part: she's just as sadistic as he is. I know he only ever showed you his nice side, which seems to have disappeared now that you're not here... but anyway, you know from small glimpses here and there that he can be pretty rough with others, and she's not one to be gentle either."

"I've never actually come with your brother, have I? Only separately. I was going to ask him to come with me, but like I said, he has a girlfriend now, and they seemed to be having a good time. Seems like everyone is slowly starting to move on... all except for me of course," Hijikata said, laughing at himself.

"Kondou has been chasing after the same girl for years now, and Sougo now has a girlfriend. But here I am talking to a tombstone. Pfft..."

After that, Hijikata just stared at the limestone tomb for a long time, inspecting every crack, every mark. From scrutinizing the tombstone for years, he already knew that there was a small chunk missing in the top left corner and a small crack on the bottom right. Occasional there were new marks, but he knew this tomb like the back of his hand. It was a just stone slab amongst dozens of others, but Hijikata felt it was the only thing left that connected to her.

"...I miss you," Hijikata whispered in a voice so quiet, so soft, it was barely audible.

"I miss her, too."

Hijikata jumped back with a jolt and landed painfully on his butt. He rubbed his back before looking up to see none other than Mitsuba's sadistic little brother, Sougo.

"H-how long have you been standing there?" Hijikata asked, face red with embarrassment.

"I just got here," Sougo replied nonchalantly, not saying anything about what Hijikata had just said to the tomb.

After recovering from the shock, Hijikata realized that Sougo had not come alone. Kagura stood behind him, uncharacteristically timid and awkward.

(A few minutes earlier)

"Hey, Sadist, what about your family?" Kagura asked, kicking rocks as she walked along side Sougo.

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