Chapter 16: Don't Play the Main Character Card

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With the Yorozuya, Hijikata, Sougo, and the Hyakka joining the ship members, it certainly was a tight fit. Since Sakamoto only came with Mutsu and a few others, he took a ship considerably smaller than his main cargo ships. He was not expecting to board dozens of more people. There were only four spare rooms and approximately thirty more people, so several people were going to have to sleep in the halls. Gintoki was walking into one of the spare rooms but was stopped by Kagura grabbing his belt.

"Oi, Gin-chan, where do you think you're going?" Kagura asked with a vein popping out.

"Uh... I mean, I'm the main character. I think I should at least be able to sleep in actual room," he replied, trying to pry Kagura's hand off.

Kagura used her other hand to grab his collar and bring his face to her level.

"Gin-chan, five girls could fit in that room. You're not going to make five poor girls sleep on the cold tile floor of the hallway are you?" she asked with puppy dog eyes, still gripping onto his collar with an iron grip.

"Are you trying to scare me or guilt me into giving up the room?" Gintoki asked, sweating.

"Hmmm? Both? Please, Gin-chan?" Kagura asked kindly as she tapped the tip of her umbrella on his head.

"I-I'll be gentleman and let you girls take the rooms, ahahaha," Gintoki said, walking out of the way of the door.

After Gintoki got out of the way, five Hyakka members filed into the room, giving him dirty looks as they entered the room. The rest of the Hyakka members, along with Kagura, began filling the remaining rooms.

"Hoooooold up, I should get my own room with Kagura," Sougo stated, wrapping an arm around Kagura before she entered a room.

"Sleep on the hallway floor, pest," she told Sougo before shaking him off and walking into the closest room with several other Hyakka members.

"Hey! Are you seriously going to be like that?!" Sougo yelled, storming into the room after her.

"There are no fans here, Sadist. We don't need to be in the same room."

"It doesn't mean you shouldn't want to, though."

"I was okay with staying in the same bedroom with you when the walls were thin, and others could hear us, ensuring my safety. But now these walls are thick and sturdy, meaning that there's no telling what you'll do if we're in the same bedroom," Kagura explained.

"Oh, that's what you're worried about," Sougo said, smirking. "I didn't know you were already thinking about doing that with me, China."

"WHAT?! NO I- Well, I want us to sleep in different places, so we DON'T do anything that that," Kagura replied, flushing crimson red.

"But nevertheless, you've been thinking about it," Sougo said, leaning closer.

"GET OUT OF MY FACE, PERV!! LEAVE! NOW!!" Kagura screamed, pushing Sougo out of the room before slamming the door shut.

Kagura panted heavily, and her face was still a bright red as she leaned against the door.

"Um, how old are you?" one Hyakka member in the room asked Kagura.


"Kids are maturing way too quickly nowadays... Well... this girl over here was a prostitute at the age of thirteen, and I was one at the age twelve, so we can't judge," the Hyakka member told Kagura, laughing nervously.

"Hey! Don't tell her that kind of stuff!" one of the other girls yelled, throwing a shoe at the one who talked to Kagura. She caught the shoe before it hit her, and chucked it back, nailing the other girl on the side of her head. This of course started a war within the room. Kagura was thankful for the temporary distraction.

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