Chapter 19: Don't Underestimate the Power of Makeovers

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"We did what we could. The rest is up to you, Gintoki," Sakamoto said aloud before facing forward and continuing to run to the ship.





An hour earlier

The Hyakka, the Shinsengumi pair, and the Yorozuya reluctantly followed the crew members down several halls. After every hall, the girls and "girls" grew more and more impatient. After going down ten halls, Kagura snapped, "Where are you even taking us?"

"Don't worry, little girl. We're almost there, and we're going to have a great time together," Sell replied with an insidious grin.

"What is that supposed to mean???"

"You'll see. Oh! Would you look at that! Here we are, ladies!" Sell announced as they reached colossal double doors.

The doors spanned from the ceiling to the floor, which easily passed twenty feet. There were two wheels, one on either side of the doors. Sell walked to one while Freezo took to the other one. When Sell gave Freezo a nod, they both began to turn the wheels, and the doors slowly started opening - inch by inch. When they opened completely, they revealed an empty room big enough to fit all the cash Gintoki owed Otose.

Kagura turned to Gintoki, raising her eyebrow, but he simply shrugged. Hesitantly, everyone filed into the room. Even by the time everyone entered the room, there was seemingly a square mile of room surrounding them.

Sell and Freezo closed the doors by turning another set of wheels that was inside the room, and walked back to the group.

"Now that we're all nice and cozy, why don't we get this party started?" Sell exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

All the people from Edo looked around at each other in confusion before Sell called out, "Come out, boys!"

At that, the walls slowly opened up like garage doors, revealing a mass of Amanto soldiers.

"Welcome our best trained soldiers."

The armed Amanto began rushing in, and for a moment, the Edo folk were taken aback. But, they quickly regained focus and broke apart their knots, using the kunai that was hidden in their clothes to completely rip the rope off.

The crew members who had brought the people of Edo into the room were already close enough to immediately initiate combat, which didn't give the girls much time to react to their immediate enemies, but they quickly retaliated.

They had only a little over thirty people to fight off 200 of Vegeto's best trained men, putting them at a disadvantage. However, the people from Edo had several aces up their sleeves: a white demon, a sadist, and a Yato. Oh, and a smoker who hasn't had his nicotine and a gorilla, making a team of five monsters (some slightly more tame than the others). And a pair of glasses helped too, I guess.

After cutting down a nearby crew member, Sougo grinned and turned to Kagura.

"If I cut down more fighters than you, I get to sleep in the same room as you on the way back home," Sougo challenged her.

"HA, if I bring down more fighters than you, and I will, then we're leaving you here when we go," she replied, simultaneously wacking a soldier in the face with her umbrella.

"You're on, China."

"It was terrible knowing you, Sadist. I'll see you in the after life."

"I'm not planning on seeing you in hell the next time I meet you."

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