Chapter 6

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I know that they didn't do what they are gonna do in this chapter. I just thought it would be cute....

Today Elton said we are going to the zoo!!!! I love the zoo. "Guys we are here," Elton said and I jumped up excitedly. "It's really hot out so I'm going to put sunscreen on you," Colby said and I nodded. After he did that he got me dressed. "Now we are ready." I smiled and kissed him.

When we got inside of the zoo, there was lots of people looking at me. Why are they looking at me? I then noticed that I had my paci in. "D-Daddy," I said sniffling. "What's wrong baby," he asked picking me up. "P-people are looking at m-me and saying m-mean things," I said crying in his shoulder. "Awww sammy. Who said it," Colby said getting mad. I pointed at this guy that looked uncle Eltons age.

"Hey how bout you shut the hell up," Colby said yelling at him and he nodded and walked away. "Thank you Colby," I said kissing him. I love Colby so so much. "Now what do you wanna see first," Corey said putting me on his hip. "Elephants," I giggled. "Elephants? How bout we see lions," Elton said taking me away from Corey. "No I don't like lions," I whined. They always scare me.

I reached for Colby. "Come here baby," Colby said carrying me on his back. "Piggy back ride," I said and giggled when he ran. When I saw the monkeys, I knew I wanted to go over there. "Daddy over there," I said and pointed at the monkeys. When we got to the monkeys they kept doing funny things. "Uncle Elton. The monkeys don't like you," I giggled. "Yes they do," Elton said but the monkeys shook their head. Everyone by the monkeys started laughing.

"How bout we go over to the tigers next," Corey said. "I do not wanna go over to the tigers," I yelled. "Sammy.. how bout we do," Colby said and I nodded. I would do anything for Colby. That's why I'm doing this. About 3 minutes later, we got there. "Wanna go up to the glass," Colby asked me and I shook my head hiding behind him. "It's scary," I tell him. "Baby, I promise that I will protect you if anything happens," he tells me. "Pinky promise," I asked putting out my pinky. "Pinky promise." I smile when he puts his pinky around mine.

"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss," I say jumping up and down. Colby chuckles and kisses me. "Yummm," I say and kiss him again. "Get a room,"Elton says laughing. "Can we get one," I ask Colby. His eyes widen and I get confused... wait that means we have sex? Ohhhh."I wanna have sex," I say excitedly and Colby puts his hand over my mouth. Everyone starts to look at me and some are about to laugh.

"Maybe when we get home," he whispers in my ear and I nod. I have never had sex. So I'm excited. "Can we go see the dolphin show now," I asked Colby and he nodded. When we got to the dolphin show, we sat at the very top in the stands. "Can I sit on your lap," I asked Colby. "Of course baby," Colby says kissing my cheek and putting me on his lap. "Daddy, if we have sex is it gonna hurt," I ask him. "Maybe for a little bit but you will get used to it. Have you even well you know," Colby said waiting for me to say an answer but I don't know what he means

"Have you ever touched yourself," Colby asked me and I blushed and shook my head. "Thats hot," Colby whispered and the dolphin show started. I could feel something that was hurting. "Daddy,"I whined. "What baby," he whispered. "It hurts." I pointed down. Colbys eyes widen..

"Oh baby," I said and he whined. "This happened in the car remember," Sam said. (That was in the fanfic I made it's called cutie) "you know how you get excited when we kiss sometimes." Sam nods and I could tell he was still hurting. "Well sometimes you get to excited and this happens. It's called a boner," I tell him and he nods. "Want me to help you,"I ask him. "Yes please." I smile and tell Elton and Corey that we are going to the bathroom...

~~~Warning some sexual content... a lot of sexual content~~~~~

When we got to the bathroom I took Sams  pants off. "Are you sure," I ask him. "Please it hurts," Sam whimpers. I took his boxers off and started to rub. "That feels so good colby. Oh colby faster please," i smirk and started to go faster. "Oh," I heard sam moan. I then put my mouth on his hardness. "Oh Colby. It feels so good. I want more," Sam moaned.

What did I do to sweet innocent Sam...

Lmaoooo this is my first time writing smut so it's awful but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter💞😂

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