Chapter 4

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About 30 minutes later we heard a sound. I could tell Sam was scared so I held him really close. I then put a finger over his mouth to tell him not to make a sound. I really don't wanna go to jail. "Wanna go check and see if it's dark," Corey whispered across the concession stand. I nod and tell Sam to stay there. "I-I'm scared," Sam cried. "Baby,I'm only gonna be gone for a second," I tell him and kissed his forehead. Sam nods and frowns. We saw that Elton was getting chased by a lifeguard. They said that they were gonna call the police. "Sammy listen to me very closely. Run as fast as you can back to the RV," I tell him. "W-why," he asks me. "The cops are here and they probably are going to arrest us."

Sam then starts to cry. "It's okay baby. It's gonna be okay. I'm going to distract them while you run. Corey and I will," I tell him giving him a kiss. "I love you," Sam says crying. I say it back and then he runs and so does Corey and I but a little bit slower.

The lifeguards then catch us and we had to sit down the the police. I knew sam was in the RV still because I told him to go in there. "Hahahahaha y'all got pranked. I rented this out," Elton yelled. "Elton your so stupid sam is in the RV probably screaming right now," I yell at him.

I ran to the RV to see if Sam was okay. "Sammy are you okay," I asked him. I could tell he was crying. Sam then ran up to me and hugged me."Elton played a prank on us." He frowns but keeps hugging me. "He is dumb." I laughed and nodded. "Wanna go ride water slides," I ask Sam and he jumps up excitedly.

About 2 hours later sam started to get cold so we went back to the RV. "Come on sammy. Let me change you," I tell him getting him some clothes. When I'm done changing him I tuck him in. "Can you read me a bed time story,"Sam asks me and I nod. " Once upon time, there was this prince who loved another prince but it was forbidden to date someone of the same gender," he then cut me off. "Why was it not allowed." I frowned maybe he shouldn't know this. "Well sometimes people don't like that. They think that people should date the opposite gender not the same gender," I say and Sam frowns. "But me and you are dating." I nod and smile

"I don't care what people think. Now back to the story. One of the princes name was Sam." He then jumped up in the air. "My name is Sam," Sam said excitedly. I laugh and kissed his forehead. "Sam was never allowed to see the other prince which his name is Colby," Sam then cut me off. "Why can't they." Oh gosh this is going to be a long story. "Well they kept hanging out and there parents found out." He nods and I go back to the story. "One night they decided to run off with each other. They wanted to be free.

The princes met up at there favorite place and road off to the sunset. The end," I say and Sam frowns. "That sucks." I laugh and nod. I then decided to read Peter Pan instead. After Peter Pan sam fell right to sleep. Wonder what Elton has planed for tomorrow?

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