Chapter 7

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After yesterday let's just say sam has learned a lot. "Elton what are we doing today," i asked him to get my mind off of that. "Climbing cliffs," he said and smirked. Does he really think Sam is gonna do that? "Wait, Uncle Elton really?! I don't wanna do that. Colby please don't make me," Sam cried. "Bubba, please don't cry. I'm not gonna make you do anything. If you really don't want to you can watch us." He nodded and cuddled into me.

"Cuddles?" Sam asked. I nod and cuddle him. " I like cuddles." I chuckle. "I like cuddles too," I said. "Awww," Corey said and I laughed. About 2 hours later we got on the cliffs. "You can climb now," Elton said laughing. Me and Elton were the first ones that got on the cliffs. "Colby be careful," Sam yelled across the cliffs. I turned around and made a wrong move. My foot slipped and I was hanging on by one arm. "Colby," Sam cried and was holding onto Corey. I knew Corey was calling 911 by his face.

"Colby stay where you are. I'm coming to you," Elton said and I nodded. Right now I'm so terrified I can't even feel my heart. "Grab my hand," Elton said when he was above me. "I can't," I said worriedly. "Colby try for m-me," Sam said crying. I nodded. "I love you Sammy," I told him while grabbing onto eltons hand. Luckily I work out everyday and I have a good grip. When I got off the cliff, Sam came running to me. "Don't ever do that again," he said and I nod. "I love you," Sam said and I said it back.

"How bout we get some Ice cream." Sam nodded and jumped up and down. "Can I get chocolate," he asked and I nodded. "I love you so so much," Sam said grabbing my cheeks and kissing them. "I love you to baby," I said and laughed.

Sorry that this chapter was short. Ima tell you something about the story that I'm gonna write after this fanfic. It's gonna be called "wish I was brennen." It about how Colby spends more time with brennen but Sam is his boyfriend and his bestfriend. I don't know how really to explain it but listen to the song called heather. I will put it on the top of the chapter. It's basically about that song but with brennens name instead of heather.

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