Chapter 10

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Today we are just gonna go to the mall and go out to dinner at this famous restaurant. I think Sams excited because he loves the mall. "Baby are you ready to go to the mall," I asked him and he nodded. "Yes I'm ready hunny," Corey said and Sam giggled. "He's mine corwey," Sam giggles. "No he's mine coreyyyy," Elton said. "Nah I'm sams." He smiled and kissed me. "Now let's go In the mall," Elton said.

When we got in the mall Sam wanted to go to Victoria's Secret. "Sam you sure you wanna go in here," I asked him and he nodded. Sam ran straight the Panies section. "Want me to try them on for you." I gulped and nodded. We went to the dressing room and Sam tried on the first ones. "Do they look nice," Sam said turning around. "Yes baby they look really nice," I said. I'm really trying not to get hard right now.

When Sam tried on the next ones, I knew that I couldn't help to get hard. "Daddy, can I have these ones." I nodded, trying not to get even more hard. "Daddy, why are you hard," Sam asked me and I gulped even more. "You just look really really good in those," I said and he kissed me. "Thank you," Sam said. "Now let's go to pink." Just great...

About 2 hours later the torture was over. Sam kept trying on panies and it was killing me. I wish I could fuck him right now. "Sammy wanna go to a different store," I said and he frowned. "Sure but what store," he asks me. "The Candy store." Sam nods excitedly.

After all the stores we went to, we went out to eat.
"Sammy, what do you wanna eat," I ask him. "Umm Chicken nuggets." I smile and nod. "Can you say it for me," Sam asks shyly. "Of course baby." He smiled and kisses me. When we got our food, Elton kept stealing sams food. "Hey!this is my food," Sam said smacking him. I chuckle and he frowns. "Help me colby," Sam said and I nodded. "Elton get your hands of my baby's food," I yelled at him. Everyone in the restaurant started to laugh including us.

"Y'all are so cute," the waiter said to Sam and I. "Thank youuuu," Sam said blushing. We really are good together:)

Y'all listen to the song in the top of the chapter. I can always  imagine Colby singing that to Sam. It's so cute :)

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