Chapter 1

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Right now sammy is sleeping on my chest. I'm about to wake him up and tell him the exciting news."bub, wakey wakey." He whined and woke up slowly. "I got some news to tell you." Sam then jumped up excitedly. "We are going to Utah and the RV," I tell him and he jumps up and down. "Can we bring toys," Sam asked and I nodded. We then got ready and went down to eat breakfast.

"Aunt Corey," Sam giggled running down the stairs to him. " hi bub,"Corey said picking Sam up. "Are you going to the trip with us," Sam asked him. "Yep and so is Elton." Sam then got really excited. "Baby, calm down," I said laughing. He is so cute. "Sorry daddy. I just love going on trips." I nodded and smiled. If you didn't already know,we are going tomorrow. "We need to after your done eating you can pick out anything you want to bring on the trip,"I told him and he nodded smiling. "I love you," Sam told me. "I love you too."

After Sam ate his breakfast I took him up stairs to pack. "What do you want to bring," I ask him. "I want blankie and pasi," Sam tells me and I nod putting those in the bag. "Can I have stuffy too." I nod kissing his cheek. I then picked out his clothes because he doesn't really like picking out clothes. "Colby, can I sleep with you the whole time in the RV," Sam asks me."of course baby." He nods smiling.

"Can we watch Mickey Mouse please daddy." Something with the word daddy gets me every time. I then got out of my thoughts saying that we could to sam. The rest of the afternoon we have been getting food to take with us. Sam is really excited and so am I. Something that I know that bothers Elton is that we can't do as much as we could with Sam because he gets scared easily. Elton knows that I won't go if sam doesn't go so he invited both of us.

This trip is going to be great!

Hope you liked this first chapter!

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