Chapter 9

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It's day 9 in Utah. We have 4 more days until we leave. "Guys guess what we are doing today," Elton asked. "I don't know," Sam giggled. "We are going to a famous icecream shop and then we are going to the state park." Sam then ran around the RV. I could tell he was really excited. "You are always excited," Corey laughed and Sam nodded. "I want ice cream." I laughed and Sam ran up to me. "Wait, can I have ice cream," he asked. "Of course baby." Sam smiled and kissed my cheek. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too sammy," I told him.

About an hour later we got to the ice cream place. "Can I get chocolate daddy," Sam asked me. "Only if you let me have a bite." He giggled and nodded. Once we got our ice cream, Sam told me to take a bite. "A little bite not a big bite," Sam told me and I laughed. I then took a little bite. "Yummm," I said and kissed his lips. "Not a yummy as that tho." Sam blushed and hid his face.

Colby told me to wait out side of the ice cream place with Corey and Elton. I think he had to go to the bathroom. Wait.. who is that girl with him. "Hey guys this is Ell. She is gonna spend the day with us. Ell said she could show us around Utah," Colby said and smiled. "No I don't want her to," I said and stomped my feet. "Sam be nice." I frowned and walked over to Elton and he held me. "Sorry about him," Colby said to that girl named Ell. "It's okay. He's a little right," Ell said and he nodded.

"Elty why is colby being rude," I asked him and frowned. "I don't know. I'm going to go talk to him,okay." I smiled and nodded. I don't know why Colby is acting weird but I don't like that girl. I think she is trying to take Colby away from me but he's mine so that's mean. "Hey lady he's mine so back off," I yelled. "Sam she's not trying to take me away from you," Colby laughed.

"Yes she is," I said and stomped my foot. "Sam do you wanna go to time out," Colby asked me and I shook my head. "Then please stop." I frowned and Elton held me. "Colby can you be a little nicer damn," Corey said. "What am I doing wrong ," Colby asked. "You are being mean to me," I said and frowned. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to be rude," Colby said hugging me. "It's okay I just felt sad." He nodded and kissed my forehead. "Do you not want ell to come with," Colby asked me and I nodded.

"Well ell sorry but you can't come." She frowned and nodded. When she walked away, Colby held me and we walked to the state park. Sense it was down the street. "Bubba, guess what? we are here," Colby said and I got really excited. I went to run over to the swings but I forgot to give Colby a kiss. "Kiss," I said and kissed him."love you baby, now go have some fun." I smiled and ran to the swings. Today was a really good day.

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