Chapter 11

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains harsh words.. I mean really harsh words and idk how to explain it but if you are triggered really easily don't read this chapter pls because I don't want you to be scared🥺💞

I have some bad news... we have to go home because sam is sick. You know why he is sick? Because all the fucking candy he ate. I told him not to do it but guess what he did it anyways. If wondering why I'm being so "rude" well I'm maybe a little bit drunk.. okay a lot. I'm just tired of this bullshit with Sam. I don't even want to take care of him anymore. I then stomp into the RV and everyone walks up. Sam comes running to me.

"Get the fuck off of me." Sam whimpered at my words. "What's wrong daddy," he asked. "Stop fucking calling me that," I yell and his face and he crys. Sam runs to Corey and Corey holds him. "What the heck is wrong with you colby," Corey said. "He's drunk. Colby I would suggest you get a hotel for the night so you don't do anything stupid or something you will regret," Elton says not trying to yell in front of Sam.

"You know the reason why I'm drunk? I'm drunk because of that cry baby over there. He's always like Colby this, Colby that, I need Colby. Leave me the Fuck alone freak," I yelled in his face. "C-colby stop it. This I-isn't you," Sam said hiding his face in coreys jacket crying. "Yes the fuck it is and I'm telling you, how I really feel. Now stop crying like a fucking baby and get your ass over here before I beat it," I yell and he screams and yells when I walk over to him.

"Get the hell out of my RV and if you ever try and lay a hand on Sam.. I will kill you," Elton yelled. "Let's see you try." Sam then goes over to me. "Come back when my Colby is around," he says sniffling. I then try to grab him but Elton throws me out of the RV. Time to go to the club..

Why did Colby say all of that stuff. It really really hurt my feelings. "He hates me," I cry holding onto Corey. "Bub, he doesn't hate you.. he is just drunk and stupid. Colby didn't mean any of that." I nod trying to not cry my guts out.

That night I couldnt fall asleep.. I can never fall asleep without Colby :(

Eeeek y'all are probably going scream at me.. 😔😂😂

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