Chapter 5

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Today we are going to a lake which had all kinds of fun stuff to do. Plus it's my birthday so that's exciting.

"Guys wake up we are going to the lake which we are actually already here," Elton said walking everyone up. "Why does everything Revolve around water," I tell him. "I can't swim and I don't like wearing floaties," Sam whined. "Sorry sammy," I tell him frowning. "It's okay I will still wear them." I smile and we put on our swimsuits.

"Okay come on guys," Elton said putting Sam on his shoulders. He giggled all the way and I thought it was really cute. When we got there everyone else was at there and there was this sorta rocket launcher( I don't know what it's called but if you watch the video it will make more sense) "I don't wanna go on that," Sam says and I nod. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He nods and kisses me. "I'm going first," Elton says and we laugh. "This is gonna be funny," Sam giggles. When he gets on... three people jump on it.

Let's just say Elton almost went to outer space..

Colbys going next and I don't want him to. I feel like he is gonna get hurt. "P-please don't do it," I cry to Colby. "Baby, I'm gonna be fine." I nod and hug him. Corey smiles and when Colby goes on it he hugs me. "Hey bud, if you do this I will get you icecream," Corey says and I got really excited. "Don't tell colby I'm getting you icecream and not him." I laugh and nod.

When Colby got flung I couldn't watch. "Sammy see I'm okay," I nod and smile. "I wanna go next," I say and Colby frowns. "Baby, it's kinda scary. Are you sure." I nodded. I then got the rocket launcher. "Only one person jump on it," I heard Colby say and I smile. I love how he watches out for me. After a couple minutes of waiting I got launched into the air. It was so scary! I started crying in fear. Colby then ran to me. "Daddy, it was so s-scary," I said crying and he held me.

Everyone then went back to the RV. "On to our next trip," Elton said and Sam got really excited. "Corey promised me icecream tho." I then was confused. "Corey you supposed to ask me if he can have some," I tell him. "Well your not his parent," Corey said yelling. "Umm I'm his caregiver so I take care of him plus he is my boyfriend," I yelled back. Sam then started to cry. "Shut up sam. Your not a child," he screamed in sams face which made Sam cry more. "Don't talk him like that," I yelled punching Corey in the face. Elton grabbed Sam and headed out the door. "Your so stupid," he yelled. "Well I don't yell at kids," I screamed at him.

"Guys stop," Elton yelled. "Sam is out here screaming." I nodded and went out to Sam. He ran up to me hugging me. "C-Corey said some m-mean things a-about me," Sam cried. "I know baby," I told him. "Hey Colby I'm sorry about what I said. I was just angry. You treat Sam so well and that's great. Oh and Sam I'm really sorry too bud," Corey said and we all hugged it out. "It's okay just don't say mean things," Sam told him and he nodded

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