Chapter 7 1/2 (Extra)

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"Let's play a game"

Evie said, I rolled my eyes and murmured,

"Ah great, here we go"

She gave me a look, like a 'shut up' sort of look which I just scoffed at,

"It goes like this, I'm gonna start by giving someone a compliment, then they have to keep it going by giving someone else a compliment. I'll start..."

She scanned everyone and caught Harry not looking nor paying attention to her,


He moved his eyes only to look at her,

"... nice accent"

He furrowed his brow and seemed slightly confused,

"Now you give someone else a compliment"

She added. He rolled his eyes before looking at me,

"Holly, I love how ye know when to cut the bullshit and stop trying to make everyone be friends when it's obviously not going ta happen right now"

I snorted and started laughing, Uma did too. Evie was rather taken aback and so was Mal. I laughed and gave Harry a fist bump, not a high five because of my palms,

"That was so smooth"

I said to him, he smiled,

"Good I'm glad I got the point across, this making friends business is useless when the people yer trying to make friends with are all incompetent"

"Says the guy who can't count"

Jay said with a scoff,

"It's not that he can't count you absolute nitwit, its that he doesn't need to because he's number one that's the whole point of the fucking line, fucking dumbass"

I said quickly defending Harry,

"Thank ya! I don't understand why that's so hard for ya thick-skulled creatures to understand that"

We both snickered and rolled our eyes before turning to each other for our own conversation.


Hiya! I don't really have anything to say with this update, sorry this one tis indeed a lil short but I'll be posting another chapter later tonight I promise! Don't forget to stay hydrated as always :)


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