Chapter 12

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We were headed off to find Fairy Cottage finally. Since the knight incident, there has been no action besides Harrys cut so I'm itching to get some conflict, a fight, something eventful.

It was quite a walk and it had gotten dark but once again me and Harry just had a casual conversation which kept it interesting. We had good laughs during the walk as well but for some reason, I couldn't get the painful bad feeling in my gut out of my head. I felt like something was up,

"Uhm this is going to sound weird but do you feel... I don't know... off at the moment?"I asked Harry rather quietly,

"What do ye mean?"

He said matching my volume,

"Like the feeling you get when you feel like somethings wrong"

He thought for a second,

"A little but nothing huge, do ye?"

"Yeah... something's totally off"

I glanced over at him to see him glancing at me. He seemed to have a nervous expression written on his face. I turned to him,

"Hey, are you okay?"


"Hey, are you okay?"

Harry seemed to jump. I laughed and sat next to him. He'd been sitting silently on the ship for three hours now. The only reason I'm even here is that Uma wanted some help moving some crates around because Harrys in the dumps. I can't wait to hear why I'm doing the heavy lifting here and not the most physically able one here,

"Do I seriously scare you that badly that you jump when you hear my voice?"


Ever since we met he's seemed awfully timid and when he's not timid he's rude, and when he's neither of those he's simply downright obnoxious. I looked over to him,

"What's up then?"

"None of yer business"

I put my hands up as if I was surrendering,

"Okay damn I was prepared to listen to your damn feelings but if you wanna wallow in your own sadness and self-pity that's cool with me, I'll leave you to it"

I got up to leave. I felt a hand land gently on my wrist,


He said blandly

"No? what's that supposed to mean?"

"I want ya to stay but I might not talk"

"Then why do I have to be here if you're not gonna talk?"

"I just don't wanna be alone."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes but sat back next to him. I've known Harry for a solid 1 1/2 years now and he still confuses me.

As I zoned out into my own thoughts I came back to reality to see Harry. He was just kinda... staring at me. Not in an obvious or weird way but he just kinda looked at me. I glanced over to him and he immediately looked away from me. I leaned back and looked at him for a while, just to see if he was gonna start staring again. He glanced over a few times but didn't stop to stare. I was actually getting kinda worried now, we've been sitting here for like 10 minutes and all he's done is looked at me.

I gently put my hand on his shoulder which made him jump and his head shot to me,

"You can talk to me ya know, I'm not that much of a bitch"

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